the three symptoms that may need urgent medical attention

Ómicron already has community circulation in Argentina and is concerned about the number of cases of coronavirus that there was on Wednesday when the 92 thousand infections were exceeded; a record in our country. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States warned that there are three new symptoms of the omicron variant, which may need urgent medical attention.

The CDC warned that one of the symptoms of virus occurs on the skin, lips, and nails. If these parts of the body turn purple, like a bruise, it may indicate that something bad is happening in the body. Although they may seem like minor symptoms, the truth is that they indicate a lack of oxygen in the blood, which can cause one of the most serious consequences of Covid-19. The lack of oxygenation, sometimes serious, generates the extreme degradation of the main organs of our body and, along with that, death.

In the case of having one of these symptoms, the first thing to do is “immediately isolate yourself and have a PCR test”, even if the symptoms are mild. If we have severe chest pain and it is directly difficult for us to breathe, it is essential to seek medical help.

The US health agency described these three omicron symptoms as “emergency warning signs,” even though they seem merely cosmetic or superficial. Serious consequences include: Shortness of breath, persistent chest pain or pressure, confusion, and inability to wake up or stay awake.

The most common symptoms of the omicron strain

Sore throat

Runny nose


Mild muscle aches


One of the symptoms that is no longer seen regularly in omicron is a lack of taste and smell. It is estimated that only 26% of people infected with this variant experience this symptom. While only 12% had loss of smell.

Nail, Skin and Lip Redness Symptoms: What Do the Experts Say?

Regarding these symptoms on the skin, lips and nails, the dermatologist Janet Allenby commented to the local media that there was a change in the symptoms of Covid-19 as the virus evolved.

The specialist noted that, at first, the virus was very “vascular”, which is why her patients came to her to consult her for chilblains, that is, that purple hematoma that usually occurs on the hands and feet when it is very cold. “Now we are moving more toward the normal, almost flu-like symptoms that people have,” Allenby explained.

Dr. Allenby saw patients who had Covid-19 and who experienced “strange reactions” on their skin. “It’s a random thing, it just happens out of nowhere, and it’s like your immune system is recovering and it’s turning into a more latent response,” he said.

In addition, the dermatologist said that she evidenced “an increase in patients with hair loss and weaker nails and slower growth.” “I think as time goes on, the body’s normal response to any disease is hair loss, brittle nails, slow growth, and I think we’ll see a lot of that,” he said.

However, Allenby is optimistic that the new strains will be lighter as the virus continues to mutate. Meanwhile, the specialists will continue to “monitor anything strange” that happens in the future.


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