the trend that proposes the balance between work and personal life

2023-07-19 00:16:03

As we place more importance on caring for the mental healthnew concepts emerge that provide us with tools to achieve a balance between the Laboral life and the Personal life, without compromising health. misnamed quiet quitting, this tendency refers to setting healthy limits in the workplace and performing only the tasks for which one was hired without overreaching at the cost of one’s own well-being. For its part, a new term echoing in social networks is are minimum mondaywhich in Spanish refers to “Monday to do the minimum”. Although its name is taken literally, this trend seeks to remove the weight and the great expectation that we place on the first day of the work week to focus on achieving only the essential obligations.

Psychology graduate Yamila Ailén Altamirano explained to us: “The concepts quiet quitting y bare minium monday join in part with mental health care since they propose initiatives related to self-care, which is one of the fundamental pillars in mental health care”. In addition, he emphasizes that these tendencies should not be reproduced exactly as if they were a magic formula, since it is necessary to be able to identify what can be taken from them taking into account the context of each person.

Altamirano described the quiet quitting as a trend that arises from the workers to somehow express their job dissatisfaction, but clarified that this same tendency makes discomfort invisible when it does not allow us to express it. “It is extremely important to take from this trend the setting of limits in the workplace. For example, in terms of the tasks they have to perform, respect work hours by entering at the correct time and leaving work at the time established by contract, avoiding overtime, avoiding taking work home, among others. This way, seek a healthy work-life balance”, added the psychologist.

With respect to bare minimum monday, said: “It is planned to be able to start the week leaving aside the list of endless activities which generate anxiety, discomfort, anguish and stress on Sunday due to the arrival of annoying Monday. Many times this day comes with a burden of wanting to solve the entire week at a work and personal level, with that starting weight such as “on Monday I start to eat healthy”, “on Monday I start training” and perhaps these activities are not carried never out, but there is already this pressure on this day of beginnings, many times frustrated”, Altamirano specified.

We ask our readers on our social networks what are the reasons why it is sometimes difficult for us to start Mondays, and among all the answers, the majority can be summarized as:

– “The weekends are very short and the week very long and you don’t get to rest well

– “We work hard and we know that many days of non-stop await us

– “It exhausts me knowing everything I have left to do in the next 4 days

– “I don’t like my job

– “We must comply with the obligations that society imposed on us to survive”.

For Altamirano, the benefits of taking Monday more calmly and setting realistic expectations for the day can get the worker started the work week taking care of your well-being, reducing stress and frustration around tasks that cannot be accomplished. Creating structures with healthy schedules, allowing for other pleasurable activities and reducing job burnout, is an excellent first step.

Some recommendations provided by the Psychology graduate to incorporate work self-care habits go beyond just Monday, as she explains that in order to really promote one’s own well-being, it is necessary to make general changes throughout the week.

Organize: make a schedule of weekly activities distributing them accordingly, so as not to create a “minimum Monday” and then collapse some other day.

Carry out recreational activities: go for a walk, do some sporting activity or activities related to art such as painting, playing an instrument, singing, etc.

Share with family and friends: carry out activities with close people in the open air, creating moments of enjoyment and connection with nature. Many times we think that making plans is expensive, but we can have a nice picnic in a park or square without spending anything.

Separate spaces: separate work spaces from personal spaces, from social networks, calls or work chats after hours. This helps us set a limit and really switch off during off hours.

Set moments of virtual disconnection: create spaces in which we are not connected to technology and can connect with reality, return to reading books to encourage imagination, motivation and attention.

Register emotions: record our thoughts, emotions, situations that cause us stress and how we react to them in a notebook.

Express what happens to me: If I can identify that my stressor is related to the work environment, it is important, if the context makes it possible, to be able to express myself with someone in charge of the human resources area or with the person in charge of the sector. Raise the situation of discomfort in terms of demands or work environment to try, in this way, to generate some favorable change.

Rest: allow yourself to rest on non-working days and not fill them with thousands of activities, even if they are recreational, since many times on weekends we are very tired and we do not get to recover energy to start the week.

To meditate:: use this technique to be able to connect with our breathing and bring attention to the present moment. There are guided meditations on the internet that can be done upon waking up and before bed.

Ask for help: It is not necessary to come to feel that “you can no longer” to ask for help, take refuge in friends or family who can accompany you in this situation. If the discomfort is constant, you can consult a professional in the mental health area.

Finally, Altamirano explained that by removing work from the center of life, “it is possible to allocate hours for other recreational, sports, family, rest or for some personal project activities. It is very important to be able to mark these limits in the workplace when the person works in a company, as well as when it is his own boss, independent professional, entrepreneur or freelance worker”.

This content was originally published on RED/ACCIÓN and is republished as part of the ‘Human Journalism’ program, an alliance for quality journalism between RÍO NEGRO and RED/ACCIÓN.

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