The Truth About Jam: Dangers and Benefits Revealed by Russian Endocrinologist

2024-01-16 17:04:53

The doctor called this delicacy a dubious substitute for cakes and sweets.

Russian endocrinologist and candidate of medical sciences Zukhra Pavlova spoke about the dangers of jam.

– It is believed that if the composition of the product is natural, then the benefits from it are enormous. This is often true, but not in the case of jam, she warned.

Jam contains a huge amount of sugar, primarily fructose, which whets the appetite. Its excess leads to fatty degeneration of the liver, increases the risk of gout, increases gas formation, causing the effect of a “bloated” abdomen. In addition, the calorie content of this product is huge. 100 g of jam contains an average of 290 kilocalories, so people with obesity and diabetes should not eat it.

Not everything is simple with nutrients and vitamins. The longer the heat treatment of berries and fruits, the less their value. In addition, jam may contain a potentially dangerous carcinogen, oxymethylfurfural, which is formed as a result of the decomposition of sugar due to high temperature and long-term storage.

– The longer jars of treats gather dust on your shelves, the higher the concentration of carcinogen. Frequent use of it leads to the development of gastritis and liver diseases, the doctor said.

At the same time, she emphasized that this delicacy still brings benefits. Properly prepared homemade jam contains a lot of fiber, iron, magnesium and vitamins. Raspberry has an anti-inflammatory effect, quince improves digestion, and walnut jam improves blood supply to the brain.

– The harm will clearly outweigh the benefits. It is better to eat fresh berries and fruits during the season, and frozen and dried ones at other times. But I won’t dissuade you from taking a spoonful of jam if you have a cold,” Pavlova stated.

photo: unsplash

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