The Truth About the Blood Group Diet: Separating Fact from Fiction

2024-03-29 18:54:39

The blood group as a determinant of the right diet? Blood group diet – sounds pretty bizarre and it is, because the menus are based on the diets of our ancestors. You can find out what this is all about here.

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Blood group diet: what is it?

Peter D’Adamo – that’s his name Inventor of the blood group diet. His book “Four Blood Groups – Four Strategies for a Healthy Life” was published in the USA in 1996. A box office hit: The book sold more than seven million copies worldwide. There is immense interest in the blood group diet, but the effectiveness of the weight loss program is controversial. Because there is no scientific evidence as to its benefits.

But how does the blood group diet actually work? In principle it’s quite simple: everyone should have their own Eating habits based on your blood type. Just as different blood groups do not mix with each other, certain foods should not suit every blood type. The concept is based on the blood groups of our ancestors. This is how the dominant hunter-caveman type is supposed to be Blood group 0 have had.

With settling down and farming, this arose Blood group A. For carriers of the Blood group B According to the American naturopath, they were said to have been nomadic peoples who lived on the meat and milk of their animals. The Type AB therefore emerged from a mixing of population tribes with blood groups A and B.

For each blood group there is one special nutritional concept specified. D’Adamo’s theory: Every blood group reacts differently to certain proteins. So-called lectins can cause blood cells to clump together. This slows down your metabolism and can lead to weight problems. So if you don’t eat the wrong proteins, you stay healthy – that’s the basic concept of the blood group diet.

In the video: The blood group diet simply explained

Lose weight successfully with D’Adamos diet plans?

D’Adamo divides each food into different categories: “to avoid”, “neutral” and “digestible”. Accordingly, for carriers the Blood group 0i.e. the earlier Stone Age hunters, foods like red meat and fish digestible because they contain animal proteins. Fruit and vegetables are also on the menu. However, dairy products, grains, wheat and legumes should be avoided.

Carrier of the Blood group Athe former farmers and livestock breeders, ate a diet particularly of grains and vegetables, which is why the inventor of the blood group diet recommends these blood group carriers vegetarian recipes with plenty of vegetables and fruit. Fish can also be on the menu from time to time.

Die Blood group B Mongols in particular are said to have formed. The steppe inhabitants kept animals and lived on their products, for example milk or cheese. If you want to eat healthily and lose weight successfully, you should eat eggs, green vegetables, game meat or lamb. However, foods such as legumes or grains should be avoided. Sesame seeds, tomatoes and chicken are also taboo.

According to the blood group diet, grains are taboo for people with blood group B. © Pixabay

How good is the blood type diet really?

Anyone who wants to stay healthy and avoid being overweight is advised to stick to these nutritional principles. All other foods that do not correspond to the respective nutritional concept are not said to be good for the body.

However, there are many Arguments against the blood group diet:

  • Many people do not know their blood type and live healthy lives without following the blood type diet.
  • Not all of D’Adamo’s nutritional recommendations are healthy and balanced. For example, the diet plan for blood group 0 does not contain grains and dairy products.
  • The diet also doesn’t take into account diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes.
  • Additionally, the blood type diet does not encourage changing eating habits to lose weight.
  • The importance of sport and exercise and the associated energy requirements are also ignored.
  • The diet is also not practical to implement because it becomes difficult to cook for different blood group types.

The lectin theory

D’Adamo bases his theory primarily on the effect of Lectinene. These are proteins found in certain foods such as legumes and wheat. According to the naturopath, these could lead to: red blood cells clump together and cause serious disorders in the body. D’Adamo claims: “Certain beans and legumes, particularly lentils and kidney beans, contain lectins that build up in muscle tissue, making them more alkaline and less efficient.” “After you eat a bowl of chili beans or lentil stew, lectins build up in your muscles, impairing their function, altering their acidity, and reducing your physical performance,” he writes. However, he does not provide any scientific evidence for this.

Lectins are found in many plant foods. Wheat, potatoes and especially legumes contain these proteins. Some lectins are toxic and can irritate the intestinal lining and cause the blood to clot. Through Cook However, lectins are destroyed after just 15 minutes. In sprouted legumes The lectin concentration is reduced by more than 90 percent, depending on the legume and germination time. That is why food toxicologists consider the consumption of legumes in the usual preparation form to be harmless. Legumes have the highest Protein content among plant foods. Most varieties contain hardly any fat, but plenty fibermaking them an ideal choice for a healthy diet.

This is what science says about the blood group diet

High-quality studies on the blood type diet have not been published in the medical literature. It is worth mentioning the studies on the blood group diet published in 2013 and 2014. The Research from 2013 analyzed the world medical literature and found no studies, which prove a benefit of the blood group diet. In the year 2014 Scientists found that people who followed one of the blood type diets had some improvement in certain cardiovascular risk factors (such as cholesterol or blood pressure). However, these improvements were not related to blood type. Even in one Study from 2021 with people who followed a low-fat and vegan diet no context determined between blood group and metabolic values.

Information about other diets can be found here:

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