The Ukrainian Army picked up a special bait for Russian ballistic missiles, and NATO is busy cracking | TechNews Technology News

Since the beginning of the war between Russia and Ukraine, the Russian army has launched many cruise and ballistic missiles to hit targets in Ukraine. After the Ukrainian anti-missile unit engaged in the battle, they found countermeasures around the wreckage of the Russian Iskander short-range missile. Expose the hidden features of this missile.

The 9K723 Iskander-M short-range ballistic missile was launched by the Russian KBM company in 2006. It has a body length of 7.2 meters, a diameter of 92 cm, and a weight of 3.8 metric tons. It can carry traditional warheads or nuclear warheads of 480 to 700 kilograms. The maximum range is About 400 to 500 kilometers, the top speed can reach Mach 5.9.

The U.S. Department of Defense recently estimated that the Russian army launched nearly 100 Iskander missiles in the first hour of the war on February 24, paired with rockets and Kh series cruise missiles, against only a small number of Russian-made S-300 anti-missiles. Ukrainian air defense system caused huge losses.

However, after the Ukrainian anti-missile system was engaged, white and orange rocket-shaped objects were found around the wreckage of the missile. The Ukrainian unexploded ordnance disposal organization CAT-UXO announced the discovery on Twitter. After research, military experts from various countries believe that , which is Russia’s previously unexposed missile decoy device.

In an interview with The New York Times, an anonymous U.S. intelligence official pointed out that from the photos of the Iskander missiles released by Russia in the past, six sets of decoys can be installed inside each missile, and the decoys can be divided into two functions. The radar inside the anti-aircraft missile, and another infrared seeker that emits high heat to misdirect the missile.

After the Iskander missile is locked by the air defense system, it will launch a decoy like when the fighter is locked, misleading the air defense missile to improve the survival probability.

After comparing the markings on the wreckage of the bait with the equipment number table of the General Administration of Rocket Artillery Equipment of the Russian Ministry of Defense (GRAU), experts said that these bait were produced by the Institute of Radio-Enginerring and Electronics of Russia, and Stavropol Radio Plant “Signal”, produced between 2008 and 2010.

Missile decoy systems are generally used in medium-to-long-range and intercontinental missiles equipped with nuclear warheads to reduce the probability of missiles being destroyed by air defense systems. Therefore, their functional characteristics are top secret for all countries. Iskander may be the only traditional warhead equipped with a decoy system. Ballistic missile.

Therefore, in the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Russian army used this missile intensively, and the Russian missile decoy system accidentally fell into the hands of the Ukrainian army and NATO. It is generally believed that the United States and NATO countries should be accelerating the research on the relevant characteristics of this decoy system. , In terms of the electronic information industry capabilities of NATO countries, it should be able to find a way to crack it soon.

(Source of the first image:CAT-UXO

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