The Ultimate Guide to Kiwi: Your Go-To Source for Vitamin C and More!

2024-01-13 20:00:00


No need for expensive nutritional supplements… ‘This fruit’ is all you need to supplement vitamin C

Reporter Lee Chae-ri

Among many foods, kiwi is rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, and is considered the fruit with the highest nutrient density./Photo = Clip Art Korea Many people choose vitamin C as a must-eat nutritional supplement. Vitamin C is involved in collagen synthesis, protecting the skin, and playing a role in constructing connective tissues such as bones, cartilage, and teeth. However, vitamin C has greater health benefits when consumed with food rather than as a nutritional supplement. In fact, taking vitamin C through food lowers the risk of lung cancer by about 18%, but taking it as a supplement such as a nutritional supplement has no effect, according to a study published in Oncology Letter, an international journal of oncology SCIE.

So what kind of food should you eat? Among many foods, kiwi is rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, making it the fruit with the highest nutrient density. In addition, it has various benefits ranging from weight loss to strengthening immunity.

◇Among the 27 commonly eaten fruits… Highest nutrient density
Kiwi is low in calories and glycemic index. Suitable as diet food. In particular, it is rich in nutrients, so you can consume all the nutrients that may be lacking during dieting. In particular, kiwi has the highest nutrient density among 27 commonly eaten fruits, including strawberries, apples, and oranges. Kiwi contains twice as much vitamin C as oranges and eight times as much vitamin E as apples. In addition, the content of dietary fiber, which is essential for diet, is comparable to that of bananas. It is effective in relieving hunger and preventing constipation that can easily occur when dieting.

◇One kiwi a day meets the recommended intake of vitamin C
Kiwi helps strengthen immunity. Since more than 70% of immune cells are distributed in the intestines, it is necessary to strengthen intestinal health to manage immunity. Beneficial and harmful bacteria coexist in our intestines, and the beneficial and harmful bacteria in our intestines must be balanced. Kiwi’s rich dietary fiber acts as food for beneficial intestinal bacteria, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and fundamentally improving the intestinal environment. In addition, kiwi is one of the fruits with the highest amount of vitamin C, which helps boost immunity. The vitamin C in one kiwi is 85.1 to 161.3 mg, which is 2 to 3 times that of an orange and 18 to 34 times that of an apple. Eating one kiwi a day can meet the recommended daily vitamin C intake (100 mg).

◇Effective in relieving fatigue and depression
Kiwi’s vitamin C has a positive effect on relieving fatigue and emotional stability. In fact, a research team at the University of Otago in New Zealand tested how gold kiwifruit affected mental vitality. Patients suffering from mood disorders, such as depression, were given two gold kiwifruits every day for four weeks. Fatigue and depression decreased by 38% and 34%, respectively, while vitality increased by 31%. This is due to the tryptophan content in kiwi. Tryptophan is a type of amino acid that promotes the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, also known as the ‘happiness hormone.’

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