The Ultimate Guide to Lunge Exercises: Strengthen Your Legs and Improve Stability

2023-08-14 18:05:03

When it comes to sculpting a strong and toned body, the lunge exercise it positions itself as a powerful ally. The reason? It is an effective tool to strengthen the legs and improve body stability. Whether you have a life fitness passionate and committed or you are just beginning your journey towards a more active life, including it in your routine could be the key you were looking for to look and feel spectacular.

Next, we reveal everything about this endurance, strength and toning exercise, from what it consists of, its main benefits and how many types exist. Ready for some leg envy?

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What is the lunge exercise?

Also Known As lunges, the lunges They are a resistance exercise which involves stepping one leg forward and lowering the body until both knees are bent at approximately a 90 degree angle. Then return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. This movement, inspired by the posture of the lunges in fencinghas become a pillar in training programs thanks to its comprehensive benefits.

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The best thing is that they can be done from home, without equipment and adapting them to whatever physical condition it is.

What parts of the body are worked with the lunge exercise?

This movement is well known for its ability to activate a number of muscle groups simultaneously. The main muscles worked include the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Besides, the lunges They also help strengthen stabilizer muscles in the abdominals and lower back, contributing to better posture and balance.

The main benefits of lunges

He lunge exercise it is highly effective and offers a wide range of benefits for your body and physical condition:

Muscle strengthening: By working several major muscle groups, it helps build and tone the body while improving the strength and appearance of the legs.
Balance improvement: Lunges require good balance and coordination to perform the movement correctly. As you practice this exercise, you will be strengthening your stabilizing muscles.
Core Strength Development: To maintain proper posture during lunges, you must engage your abdominal and lower back muscles. This contributes to the development of a core strong, which is essential for stability and the prevention of back injuries.
Calorie Burn and Weight Loss: Build muscle and burn fatwhich can contribute to the maintenance of a healthy weight.
Increased muscular resistance: By performing several sets, you are working on the muscular endurance of your legs. This can help you improve your ability to perform physical activities over a long period of time. Getty Images

You can add more weight with dumbbells or generate more resistance with elastic bands.

How to do lunges correctly?

Proper technique is essential to avoid injuries and maximize profits. Follow these steps to perform lunges effectively:

Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Take a step forward and stretch out one of your legs, keeping your back straight and your torso upright. Bend both knees so that they form 90 degree angles. Make sure the front knee is in line with the ankle and does not extend beyond it. With your hands on your hips and facing forward, lower yourself until the knee of your back leg touches the ground. Hold the tension for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. Alternate legs and repeat the movement.

Types of lunges for impact legs

side lunges

This type is ideal for work oblique and adductor muscles. To perform it, you must stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your hips, keep your back straight and look straight ahead. Then take a step to the side with your right leg. The left leg should be fully extended, so that you make a straight line with it. Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite leg.

Supported Lunges

This variant uses a bench, chair or any other support object to perform the lunge exercise. But do not underestimate it, since it is the most complex of all, since a large part of the muscle tension stacks on one leg. Stand behind your aerobic bench and let your left leg rest on it. Then lower down with your hands on your hips until you complete the lunge. Return to the starting position and do the same with the other leg.

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Torso Twist Lunges

It is the same as doing a classic lunge, only in this version the torso is turned to activate abdominal muscles. Do a conventional lunge and place your arms extended straight ahead. As you descend, turn your torso to the right side, without changing the position of your legs. Return to the front and return to the starting position.

walking lunges

perfect for raise heart rateburn calories and incorporate something aerobic activity to your exercise routine. Begin with the classic lunge position. Lower your right leg in front until your left knee touches the ground. Go up and join your feet, repeat the movement with the other leg as you move forward. Continue moving forward with each lunge you take, alternating legs.

now that you know how to do lungesprepare to be amazed by the results and achieve some super strong legs!

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