The US activates a program that allows sponsorship of refugees

Those interested will apply to sponsor refugees on their own and will be responsible for raising their own resources to help them during their first 90 days in the country.

Courtesy | Americans will be able to help refugees adjust to the US thanks to the new program

Americans will be able to help refugees adjust to life in the United States through a new program launched by the State Department.

The announcement scheduled for this Thursday of the program called Welcome Corps (Welcome Corps), is part of the Joe Biden government’s plan to deal with the arrival of migrants.

The agency aims to recruit 10,000 Americans who can help 5,000 refugees in the first year of the program.

“Leveraging the goodwill of American communities, the Welcome Corps will expand our country’s ability to warmly welcome larger numbers of refugees,” according to the announcement.

The State Department has already worked with aid groups that specialize in refugee issues to help people from all over the world when they first arrive in the country and face an entirely different lifestyle.

According to the program, five or more Americans will be able to form a group and also fulfill this role.

Those interested will apply to sponsor refugees to settle in the United States on their own and will be responsible for raising their own resources to help them during their first 90 days in the country.

The assistance will include everything from finding them a place to live to enrolling the children in schools.

Initiative in two phases

The new measure will be developed in two phases, according to the State Department.

Under the first phase, individual sponsors will be matched with refugees already approved for resettlement under the United States Refugee Assistance Program. This will start in the first half of 2023.

In the second phase of the program, private sponsors will be able to identify refugees abroad they would like to help, then refer those people to the Refugee Assistance Program and assist them when they arrive in the United States.

President Joe Biden announced in 2021 an executive order to restore America as the world’s haven and called for private sponsors of refugees.

The previous administration of President Donald Trump had largely reversed the refugee program

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