The wife of the star Karim Mahmoud Abdel Aziz surprised all the artists with her extraordinary beauty… and an unexpected reason behind his father’s objection to his marriage to her!! (exciting details)

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The artist, Karim Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, married outside the artistic community in 2011, at the age of 25, to Ann Al-Rifai, the daughter of businessman Magdy Al-Rifai, who rarely appears with him on occasions.

His father, the late artist Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, objected to his early marriage at first, but with his son’s insistence, the marriage took place and he gave birth to his three daughters, “Kinda, Khadija and Habiba.”

And a group of artistic accounts on Instagram republished a picture of the Egyptian artist “Karim Mahmoud Abdel Aziz” with his wife, who was able to attract attention with her rare beauty, and this is what many of the pioneers’ comments focused on.

Karim is keen not to publish pictures of his three girls, deliberately keeping them away from the media and social networking sites, with the exception of mentioning them on one of the times in which he published a picture of him with a colored face, noting that his girls painted a colorful painting on his face.

His three girls gave birth to Karim Mahmoud Abdel Aziz’s wife, his first child, “Kinda” in 2012, then had his second daughter, for whom he chose the name “Khadija” in March of 2015, and his third child, “Habiba”, came in April 2020.

Karim tries all the time to keep his daughters out of the spotlight, and to publish a few of his pictures with his wife.

He failed in history and is afraid of closed spaces. “Karim” is the youngest son of the late artist Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, and he began his artistic career at a young age with the movie “Al-Barh Behdhak Leh” in 1995 when he was 10 years old at the time.

He received his first wage after participating in the movie “Al-Nazir” and it was 600 pounds, and he failed the history exam in the preparatory stage, because of his participation in the series “Man from the Time of Globalization” with the able artist Salah Al-Saadani. He also does not like closed spaces or riding the “lift.” ».

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