The World Health Organization’s Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Urges Ceasefire in Gaza after Horrific Bombing

2023-12-26 00:27:35

The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said in a post on the “X” platform, “The World Health Organization team heard horrific stories from medical teams and victims about the suffering caused by the explosions.”

He added, “A child lost his entire family in the bombing of the camp, and there is a nurse in the hospital who suffered the same loss, as his entire family was killed.”

According to the Hamas Ministry of Health, at least 70 people were killed in an Israeli strike that targeted the Maghazi refugee camp on Sunday evening.

It was not possible to verify this outcome from an independent source, while the Israeli army announced that it was “verifying the incident.”

In Al-Aqsa Hospital, located in Deir al-Balah in the center of the Gaza Strip, to which the victims of this bombing were transferred, dozens of bodies were placed inside white bags next to each other on the ground, awaiting burial.

The Director-General of the World Health Organization quoted hospital officials as saying that they received about 100 wounded people who were injured in this bombing.

Tedros stressed that “the number of patients treated by the hospital far exceeds its capacity in terms of beds and medical staff.”

He warned that “many will not survive while they wait” for their turn to receive the necessary health care.

The Director-General warned that this bombing “clearly shows why there must be an immediate ceasefire.”

Tedros attached his post to a video clip filmed by a WHO team official from inside Al-Aqsa Hospital.

In this video, Sean Casey says that he had just left the recovery room where there was a 9-year-old boy named Ahmed.

While holding back his tears, this WHO official added that the child who was seriously injured in the bombing “was treated with anesthesia only to alleviate his suffering while he was dying.”

He explained that Ahmed “was crossing the street in front of the shelter where his family was located when the neighboring building was bombed. He (the child) was hit by shrapnel and debris, and his brain tissue was damaged.”

“No one can do anything for him,” Casey continues sadly. “Like a lot of cases here, there is no capacity to care for complex neurological cases and complex trauma cases.”

The organization’s official confirms while speaking to the camera while walking through the hospital’s corridors that “the operating rooms operate 24 hours a day, and the emergency department operates much beyond its capacity.”

Casey concludes the touching video by saying, “This situation is unacceptable. This must stop.”

#World #Health #Organization #reveals #horrific #testimonies #bombing #Maghazi #camp #Gaza

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