The World Swimming University reveals the truth about the achievement of the Tunisian swimmer in Al-Hadi

Belhadi sparked great controversy with his alleged achievement (Facebook / Najib Belhadi)

Effects swimmer Tunisian Najib Belhadi, 69, has sparked controversy in Tunisia and the Arab world, after claiming that he had achieved a historic feat by covering a distance of 155 kilometers. swimmingIn the open waters, from the Italian city of Puntellaria to the city of Hammamet on the Tunisian coast.

The World Open Water Swimming University broke its silence and published a detailed report on Friday night, titled: “What happened from start to finish in Najib Belhadi’s tour from Italy to Tunisia?”

The report relied on established scientific data and facts, to conclude in the end this result, which is shocking to the Tunisian swimmer, “It is not possible to determine or verify the exact conditions and duration of Najib’s swimming.”

The report added, “Swimming cannot be defined by the International University as a traditional marathon without assistance, Najib said, because in fact he boarded the ship, and the required data and information are not available.”

The International University revealed interesting facts, “We only reported Najib after his interrogation, that he boarded the ship or swam on his stomach for a distance of 29 kilometers. Finally, the visual appearance of his skin, tongue, lips and throat does not correspond to that of a swimmer who spent 58 hours in salt water.”

“We rely on factual data, images, videos and data GPS and observer reports to confirm and report swimming, so we do not tolerate apparent misinformation, data falsification, and exaggeration to conceal the facts.”

The body responsible for swimming in open water concluded, “What Najib did is not in accordance with our regulations. In short, we do not fully believe that Al-Hadi swam as he originally intended, and that he claimed so in the end.”

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