The younger Mponwè of the Estuary problem Oligui Nguema on the land insecurity which threatens their ancestral lands –

Members of the Mpogwè group of the Alouani Federation throughout their declaration on Might 25 in Libreville ©

The younger individuals of the “Mponwè” ethnolinguistic group who contemplate themselves to be the indigenous individuals of the Estuaire province, grouped throughout the Mpogwè (Alouani) Indigenous Federation, in a press release, challenged the President of the Transition, Basic Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, on the pressing must put an finish to land insecurity which has threatened their ancestral lands for years.

“We younger Mponwès, individuals of primogeniture of the Estuaries of Gabon united throughout the Alouani Federation, want to tackle you to attract your consideration to the alarming state of affairs of land insecurity which threatens our ancestral land known as by its authentic identify Orongo Mbene Y Ndiwa, and even Arongo »launched Edmond Fabrice Gouandegno Lopez, Secretary Basic of the Alouani Federation.

The ritual of members of the Mpogwè group evoking the manes of their ancestors ©

For the Mponwè, as co-signatories with France of the founding act of the Gabonese Republic, they demand respect for his or her inalienable land rights to ensure higher dwelling collectively.

“For the time being we’re going via an important transition interval, it’s inconceivable that our ancestral lands are threatened and that our rights are violated,” he refuted earlier than solemnly requesting an viewers on the Gabonese quantity to make clear sure areas of shadows regarding the land state of affairs within the Estuary.

Lengthy earlier than the declaration which had a religious dimension, the younger Mpogwès supported by sensible women and men carried out rituals to be in concord with their ancestors. The ceremony occurred on the basis of the 4 seasons whose headquarters is caught with the wall of the Plein Niger cemetery within the 4th district of Libreville.

Camille Boussoughou

2024-05-26 13:27:26
#younger #Mponwè #Estuary #problem #Oligui #Nguema #land #insecurity #threatens #ancestral #lands

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