“There are hue… chantas, sold and this one”: Claudio Reyes points without a filter against Fabrizio Copano

The comedian Claudio Reyes pointed without a filter against Pedro Ruminot and Fabrizio Copano, who talked about the defeat of the Approval.

“The only conclusion that came to my mind is that this hue… is like a guy that you wanted to change, and in the end you have to love him as he is. You have to love Chile as it is, you have to accept its times. It’s what I learned,” said the artist who triumphed at the last Viña del Mar Festival, in a talk that dates back to late 2022.

After reviewing this old video on The Facho Cola (YouTube program where he shares with the entertainer Ricardo Delgado), the former Japanese con yes He affirmed that “there are hue… chantas, sold and this. This country screwed up pa’ generous. Imagine this pair of jerks talking the hue… what they’re talking about”.

Regarding Ruminot, Reyes ironized: “An enlightened man, that’s why he works with the other enlightened man with unpleasant laughter, (Pancho) Saavedra.”

“What makes me angry about these two is that there is no self-criticism. They don’t say that the hue… was bad. Perhaps the constitution that was drafted last year, which is a mess, could be applied in Cuba, but in Chile they don’t catch on,” Delgado added.

pointed to Copano

“If my grandmother were alive, she was a very wise woman, she would have said ‘poor things,’” added Reyes.

Finally, the artist who embodies Charly Badulaque maintained that “they complain more about it, and how much did Boric pay him (Copano) personally to wash his image at the Viña del Marx Festival.”

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