“There are personal ones and there are personal ones. We’re a neighborhood hospital at the beginning.”

2024-05-17 11:30:07

“The company has fully suspended its actions since June 3. » The personal hospital of Seine-Saint-Denis, situated on the border of the 2 standard communes of Blanc-Mesnil and Drancy, is enticing to sufferers with its posters on the pillars of the foyer. Such clinics can be found on all flooring of the establishment, which belongs to the Ramsay Santé Group, one of many essential gamers within the personal for-profit sector, which owns seven clinics in Seine-Saint-Denis, three of which supply a spread of medicines, surgical procedure and obstetrics.

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“If we will not make our voices heard, I will die”, Timid, Gravity, directed. Yves Pinot has been on the helm of this huge personal hospital in one of many nation’s poorest sectors for six years. “Medical Desert”.moreover “New Price” The federal government introduced a rise of 0.3% for its sector and 4.3% for the not-for-profit sector on the finish of March, however this was not adopted.

worthwhile? It has been established for a very long time and has roughly 200 beds and premises and 80 personal medical doctors.There’s a very particular mannequin: the surgical exercise is essential, there are 9 working rooms The hospitals are working at capability and have a big “2b” obstetrics unit (able to admitting high-risk pregnancies and offering neonatal intensive care providers) and emergency rooms that deal with 27,000 visits a 12 months.

Yves Pinot, 57, Director of the Ramsay Santé Group Non-public Hospital in Seine-Saint-Denis, 7 Might 2024.

Yves Pinault factors to the unfavourable column in entrance of his pc: 2020-2021 deficit of 4.4 million euros (the funds is calculated within the Anglo-Saxon approach, divided into two years); 2021-2022 of 5.7 million euros; 2022-2023 of 760 million euros…annual turnover is 34 million euros. This equation appears more and more untenable. Electrical energy costs rise, “consumables” (Isolation robes, sterile medical gear, and so on.), biomedical gear, and so on. “The whole lot is lowered to ashes”, he defined. Domestically, as with public establishments, resuming exercise after the Covid-19 disaster won’t be simple: “We simply came upon Ranges in current months have reached 2019 ranges.

Lodge providers will not be worthwhile

When it comes to profitability, half of its turnover comes from obstetrics actions, and care is beginning to rise once more because the closure of the Vauban clinic in Livry-Gargaon a couple of months in the past; adopted by orthopedics, gastroenterology and viscera .Two medical providers (multipurpose and in-house) will not be “Not worthwhile in any respect”In hospital jargon, he stated politely, the “common size of keep” was lengthy, averaging seven to eight days. “However they’re important”he insisted.

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