[There is a film]The man went out for a jog and was eaten!Attacked by a brown bear, disemboweled and disemboweled “no waste food”

Guy goes out for a jog and gets eaten! Attacked by a brown bear, disemboweled and disembowelled “no waste of food”, bitten human meat and died tragically. (reposted from twitter)

A 26-year-old Italian man, Andrea Papi, who is still studying at the Sports Academy, went out for a jog on the morning of the 5th of this month, but never returned home. His girlfriend immediately called the police when she noticed something unusual. But in the end, what the police found was Papi’s body, and they believed that he had been attacked by a brown bear, and his body was almost completely bitten by the brown bear.

According to the British “Daily Star” report, the incident happened in the Trento region of Italy. On the morning of the 5th of this month, Papi told his girlfriend that he would go out for a jog and would come back for dinner at night, but when it was time for dinner, Papi was late. Did not go home, the girlfriend found that something was wrong, so she called the police. However, after the police searched for several hours, they found Papi’s body in a forest, and there were obvious signs of being bitten by a brown bear on Papi’s body. The police initially determined that Papi should have been attacked to death by a brown bear.

The police found Papi's body in the woods.  (From tg24.sky.it)

The police found Papi’s body in the woods. (From tg24.sky.it)

Phra Pi.  (Reprinted from

Phra Pi. (Reprinted from “Daily Star”)

According to the police description, Papi’s death was quite miserable. His whole body was disembowelled and his body was bitten into pieces. The police believe that Papi may have been attacked by one or several brown bears during his lifetime, and then the brown bears dragged Papi to the woods to “enjoy delicious food” and practice “not wasting food”, so they gnawed Papi to pieces. Now police and investigators are trying to figure out whether Papi was eaten alive, or was attacked and killed, and then dragged into the woods by brown bears to eat.

However, local residents also complain that many farms have been attacked and harassed by brown bears recently, and some sheep and sheep have even died as a result. Therefore, the “brown bear riot” has made local residents panic. Local councilor Maurizio Fugatti also issued a statement expressing his condolences to the dead, saying that the authorities had planned to set up a public security committee to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Guy goes out for a jog and gets eaten!Attacked by a brown bear, disemboweled and disemboweled “no waste food”

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