There is no need for medicines.. Get rid of stomach acidity pain once and for all with the effect of this magical herb

There is no need for medicines.. Get rid of stomach acidity pain once and for all with the effect of this magical herb – educate me

Getting rid of stomach acidity without medication, acidity and heartburn are common problems that most of us face, even at least once in life, especially after eating a heavy meal. Heartburn occurs due to the problem of gastroesophageal reflux disease, in which acid and stomach secretions back out of the stomach and move into the esophagus, causing heartburn and a feeling of discomfort.

Get rid of stomach acid without medication

In order to get rid of stomach acidity without medication, some bad habits must be avoided, which may be effective in treating acidity without the need to resort to taking medications, including:

  1. Getting rid of obesity first of all, this actually reduces the side effects and relieves pressure on the stomach.
  2. Quit smoking because it has a big role in irritating the digestive system and increasing bad symptoms.
  3. Eat meals in small quantities to facilitate digestion and prevent overgrowth.
  4. Not sleeping after meals and making the time between dinner and sleep not less than 4 hours.
  5. Avoid sources of caffeine and alcohol and avoid all drinks and foods that stimulate stomach acid and irritate it.
  6. Fries and spicy and greasy foods that cause stomach irritation should also be avoided.
  7. Rely on the healthy cooking method away from frying, such as using grilling, boiling or steaming.

Natural remedies for acidity of the stomach

  • Baking soda: Which works to equalize the acidity of the stomach as it has alkaline properties, and it is taken by mixing a teaspoon of it in a glass of water and eating it.
  • Chewing sugar-free gum: As chewing gum stimulates the secretion of saliva, which in turn works to neutralize the acidity.
  • Licorice: Some studies have proven that eating licorice relieves heartburn symptoms.
  • Ripe banana: Eating a ripe banana or apple has a great role in treating and combating acidity.
  • Almonds: Eating 3 to 4 almonds after meals helps treat acidity.
  • Aloe Vera: Half a cup of aloe vera juice can help relieve acidity.

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