There was already an NFT clothing show at the Berlin Fashion Week

For those who love and know the world of fashion, Berlin Fashion Week is the first event of the year that is worth paying attention to. During the event, which started on January 15th in the capital Berlin and lasted until January 21st, mainly smaller, indie designers were able to present their clothes and designs. The goal was to focus not on the present, but on the ideas that shape the future.

Berlin Fashion Week shows what the future can bring

Nothing shows this better than the fact that it was not only possible to participate in events at several locations in Berlin, but moments were also captured in the digital Berlin located in the Metaverse. According to the official website of the fashion week, visitors were able to glimpse into the world of digital fashion, tour virtual fashion shows and see an NFT gallery. Moreover, there were 9 such designerswho designed both physical and digital models. These might not only be viewed in their physical form, but with the help of a VR experience, a lot of additional information might be collected regarding the creator and the collection itself.. Of course, it is not yet known when virtual fashion will really hit the mainstream.

There are already fashion brands and designers who not only make their clothes available in physical form, but also appear in the digital world. In the short term, however, there is no question that fashion NFTs are still in a very rudimentary state. There is no hype yet, the digital wardrobe is simply already there as part of Web3. Think regarding it, currently in the world of the Metaverse, Nike and Adidas are fighting for the market leadership position with their digital shoe collection. But Dolce & Gabbana also launched a full NFT collection on Polygon’s network. So if someone doesn’t mind the time and money, you can dress up your digital reality in specially branded clothes. The Berlin Fashion Week showed that digital clothes will slowly but surely become part of traditional fashion weeks.

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