“There’s a devaluation of the previous of historical past, there’s a sure weak spot on the core of those governments, they current themselves as very robust and all highly effective however they’ve a really weak base” 2024-05-16 20:53:47

This Wednesday’s Encuentro interview with Julio Villagran, historian Gregorio López, talked about that each authoritarian and populist authorities all the time tries to current itself as new and tries to make a break with the previous, as a result of prior to now it can discover parts that make it uncomfortable.

“There’s a devaluation of the previous of historical past, there’s a sure weak spot on the core of those governments, they current themselves as very robust and all highly effective however they’ve a really weak base”signifies Gregorio Bernal

For Bernal, the truth that the federal government talks a couple of republic is a lure, as a result of a central factor of a republic is that there’s separation of powers and this authorities has management of the manager and judicial powers.

“On this nation nothing occurs with the problem of reforming the structure as a result of individuals are not conscious of what the reform of the article implies” mentioned Gregorio Bernal

Concerning this, the historian recalled that the federal government of Maximiliano Hernández Martínez lasted 13 years, he had been re-elected by means of the mechanism of reforming the structure.

“On February 29, 1944, the Constituent Meeting declared Martínez president for a fourth time period with the element that that they had elevated his presidential time period to six years… On April 2, 1944, a navy rebellion broke out, given how robust the federal government of Hernández Martínez, it was thought that the one pressure that would overthrow him was the navy.” famous the historian.

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