These 5 foods that increase the risk of stroke in women

– The increase in obesity rates. Women’s waist circumference has increased by almost 5 cm in the last 10 years

– Vitamin D deficiencies due to lack of sun exposure. Avoiding the sun also increases your risk of vitamin D sulfate deficiency, which may be an underlying cause of atherosclerotic plaque formation (a risk factor for stroke)

– The increasing prevalence of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)

When it comes to stroke (like most diseases), prevention is clearly the best option, and your diet plays a big part in this.

The list of five foods that are associated with an increased risk of stroke

1 Red meat

Red meat is a risk factor for stroke. It’s no longer a mystery. But it is a serious mistake to put all red meats in the same basket. Because the differences between factory-farmed meats and organic, grass-fed meats are so great, we’re practically talking about two totally different foods. Organic grass-fed beef is generally not associated with the adverse health effects of industrially raised beef. But very few researchers, and even fewer journalists, distinguish between the two.

2 Salt

As for the salt, again, don’t throw it all out the window. Refined salt used in processed foods cannot be compared to natural, unrefined salt. Avoiding processed foods will help reduce your risk of stroke and improve your overall health. It is important to understand that not all types of salt need to be avoided. But only processed salts, like classic table salt. Natural, unrefined salt, on the other hand, such as Himalayan salt, is even very important for many biological processes, including helping blood vessel walls regulate blood pressure. Which is clearly a beneficial effect, not an effect that promotes the development of disease.

3 Trans fats

They are known to increase the risk of stroke. If you are concerned about your health, avoid all foods containing trans fats. This includes many processed foods, such as crackers, chips, most baked goods, and all fried foods, to name a few. Trans fats are known to promote inflammation. It is the basis of most chronic and/or serious diseases, and not only strokes or cardiovascular diseases. Women especially have an interest in following this advice. Because the rate of stroke is increasing in middle-aged women. Poor food choices are likely significant culprits. In a study published last year, it was found that postmenopausal women who consumed the highest amounts of trans fats daily had a 30% higher incidence of ischemic stroke.

4 Beware of smoked, processed meats and deli meats

Certain preservatives, such as sodium nitrate and nitrite, found in smoked and processed meats have been shown to damage your blood vessels. This increases your risk of stroke. Additionally, nitrates are often converted to nitrosamines, which are also clearly associated with an increased risk of certain cancers. In a very recent review of more than 7,000 studies on diet and cancer, carried out by the World Cancer Research Fund, researchers concluded that, for this reason, no one should consume processed meats. Hot dogs, bacon, salami and other processed meats can also:
– Increase your risk of diabetes by 50%
– Affect your lung function
– Increase your risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

5 Light sodas

And yes, diet drinks can dramatically increase your risk of stroke. Research presented at the 2019 American Stroke Association International Conference found that people who consume even one diet soda a day may have an increased risk of stroke by 48%!

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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