these are the initial symptoms of the disease

Alzheimer’s is one of the most degenerative and deadly brain diseases that exist.

This disorder slowly destroys memory and the ability to think, and can overwhelm you with trouble performing simple tasks.

In most people, the symptoms of this disease do not usually appear until the last moments of life.

However, there are some signs or warning signs that could appear gradually and would be key to an early diagnosis.

These are some of the symptoms that could indicate a propensity for Alzheimer’s, according to the specialized portal better with health:

  • everyday memory problems

The fact of beginning to constantly forget things from day to day is one of the factors that experts alert the most.

Whether it’s newly discovered information like dates or names, it’s important to pay attention to it.

  • Difficulty solving problems

Trouble following a recipe, paying bills or keeping track of household expenses could be a warning sign.

It can also include indecision in short or long term plans, or following a plan to the letter.

Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that cannot be prevented. However, a number of risk factors can be modified in our lifestyle for this disorder. – Foto: Getty Images/iStockphoto
  • Difficulty in everyday tasks

Another of the warning signs may be more involved with forgetting how to do basic everyday things, such as turning on a washing machine, using an appliance or forgetting if you cleaned up at home.

Likewise, when these symptoms appear, it can also be accompanied by forgetting to drive, in terms of not knowing how to get to a recurring place.

According to the Alzheimer Foundation in Spain, this is one of the symptoms that can also occur in the moderate phase of the disease.

This warning sign can consist of spatial disorientation, where the person does not know where he is or how he got to a place.

It can also be misplaced in terms of dates and seasons of the year.

  • Difficulty understanding images

In this case, a person may not recognize who appears in a photograph, even if they are family or friends. The landscape may also seem strange to him, even though he knows it.

The same case can occur with words, when reading a newspaper or a book, the person could manifest not understanding the sentences or not remembering how to do it.

Difficulty understanding relationships between objects, Complications in expressing oneself, Forgetting objects, Changes in mood, one of the symptoms of early Alzheimer’s.

According to Mayo Clinic, some disorders – even those that can be treated – can cause memory loss and other symptoms of dementia. Therefore, if a person is concerned about their reasoning abilities or lack of recall, it is prudent to have a comprehensive evaluation with a health professional.

Furthermore, the entity states that Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that cannot be prevented. However, a number of risk factors can be modified in our lifestyle for this disorder.

“The evidence suggests that changes in diet, exercise and habits (steps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease) could also reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders that cause dementia,” says the web portal of May.

Heart-healthy lifestyle options that can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease include the following:

“Studies have shown that participating in social events, reading, dancing, playing board games, creating art, playing musical instruments, and other activities that require mental and social engagement help maintain intellectual abilities in adulthood and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease”, concludes the clinic.

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