They approved a report request to the Executive to account for the contracts with Máscolo

2024-04-18 19:20:44

Although it was one of the sessions with the most intersections and chicanes so far this year, this Wednesday the legislators unanimously approved a report request in which the Executive Branch was asked to provide details about the relationship between the State provincial and the detained businessman Federico Máscolo, investigated for money laundering.

For its treatment in the facility, two projects were made compatible. One presented by the opponents Rodrigo Agrelo (Encuentro Vecinal), Walter Gispert and Walter Nostrala (Frente Cívico), and another to which these parliamentarians also adhered together with other peers from the Together for Change interblock. In the latter, the Executive was asked to disclose in detail whether he contracted services or works from companies linked to the businessman Máscolo.

Federico Máscolo, businessman accused of money laundering. (Facebook)

The legislators requested that the status of Máscolo’s individual registration as a merchant be reported, through the Directorate of Inspection of Legal Entities, and that a true copy of all contracts signed between the provincial State or autonomous entities be attached. provincial decentralized companies with this businessman. At the same time, information is provided on the dates and amounts of payment to Máscolo and any of the companies that have been presented.

“It is important to know for certain what the relationship that the provincial State had with Mr. Máscolo and the companies linked to him was. The Government of Córdoba exposed all of us from Córdoba to contracting with the firm Odebrecht about which there are firm sentences regarding its corrupt actions in different parts of the world, which is why the current antecedents do not surprise us, but “They do alert us about possible irregular management of public works in our province that dates back decades,” the opposition legislators warned in the foundations.

“This is a businessman who is accused of money laundering. He has been a supplier to the provincial State of certain public works. Week after week, new facts appear that highlight the seriousness of the accusations and the urgent need to clarify the situation,” said Gispert, one of the judge legislators who presented the report request.

“We are very satisfied with the approval of the project so that the Executive Branch reports on the relationship between the businessman Máscolo and the successive provincial governments. It is a cause that stinks, there are suspicions of illicit enrichment and money laundering by a businessman who amassed a fortune by carrying out an enormous amount of works contracted by the Province. Society no longer tolerates impunity for the powerful. Justice must advance no matter who falls, it is essential for the people of Córdoba to recover the credibility of those who have relations with the State,” added Nostrala, president of the bloc of judicial legislators.

Although the opposition supported the request for a report by the ruling party, there was criticism of the provincial government. “I have not heard any public official clarify this situation. It seems to me that the Government’s response to the request for reports represents a crucial opportunity to obtain clarity in a relatively short time. In 10 days we could have information,” Gispert insisted.

In the Deliberative Council, the same request

Likewise, the Deliberative Council of Córdoba submitted a request for a report from the judicial councillors, the PRO and the UCR, in which they requested the municipal government to provide data on the contracts made with the businessman.

“We Cordobans must know how and with whom the expenditure of public money is carried out and for this it is the responsibility of the Deliberative Council to use all current mechanisms to achieve that objective,” they expressed in the foundations.

In Justice

The federal prosecutor No. 1 of the city of Córdoba, Enrique Senestrari; Together with federal judge Alejandro Sánchez Freytes, they are dedicated to determining the source of money behind this businessman’s engineering, which is presumed to have been used to launder money.

In principle, three former officials from the then radical administration of Ramón Mestre and a former provincial official who went through the administrations of José Manuel de la Sota and Juan Schiaretti would also be part of those investigated.

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