They arrested a former manager of Molinos Río de La Plata for the kidnapping of workers during the dictatorship

2023-07-05 02:50:00

Emilio Parodiformer human resources manager of the company Mills Rio de La Plata During the time of the military dictatorship, he was arrested by order of the head of Federal Court No. 3 of La Plata, Ernesto Kreplak, for his responsibility in the aggravated illegal deprivation of liberty of a group of 23 plant workerslocated in Avellaneda.

In 2021, the Fiscal Unit that intervenes in the processes for crimes once morest humanity in that jurisdiction had already charged the businessman for having favored and facilitated kidnappings of personnel, through the management of internal surveillance agents and the preparation of lists They were handed over to the armed forces.

Judge Kreplak took an investigative statement from the 82-year-old defendant on Tuesday, July 4, following his arrest at a home in the city of Olivos, in the Vicente López district, by the Airport Security Police. The order included a communication to the National Directorate of Migrations regarding Parodi’s ban on leaving the country.

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The judicial process that led to the arrest of the former manager of Molinos Río de La Plata

The case originated from a complaint filed in June 2013 by the sons and daughters of three disappeared workers.

In 2015, the Fiscal Unit formally promoted criminal action, following analyzing together with the then Office of Economic Investigation and Financial Analysis (today General Directorate of Economic and Financial Advice on Investigations) of the Attorney General the documentation seized in 2014 in two Molinos headquarters located in Victoria and Avellaneda, reported the site

By instigating the criminal investigation, the prosecutor’s office considered it proven that Molinos Río de La Plata Sociedad Anónima “went from bearing losses at the end of the year prior to the dictatorship, to obtaining profits in the two following periods.”

Emilio Parodi. Photo: LinkedIn

In this regard, he added: “It can be said that with the coup d’état, the union claims that had been taking place in Molinos Río de la Plata SA ended with the kidnapping and disappearance of workers and that the measures adopted by the military authorities in the Economically speaking, they notably benefited the company, especially during the first years following the establishment of the military regime”.

The representatives of the Public Prosecutor’s Office concluded on that occasion: “We do not believe that it is a product of chance that at the same time that the company obtained considerable economic profits, that it registered the lowest labor cost and that the amount destined to face lawsuits abruptly decreased. dismissals, “negotiations” with the workers -union political activists within the company- took place so that they would resign or that they would state in the annual affidavits that the workers had “abandoned work” when the reality was answer to show that they were being illegally detained.”

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In October 2019, the judge, the prosecutor’s office, the complaints, witnesses and victims carried out a judicial inspection at the Avellaneda factory property and in March 2021 the Fiscal Unit requested the request for an investigative statement from the former manager today detained, noting that the accused “favored and facilitated the illegal deprivation of liberty of the victims and the consolidation of this situation by impeding access to information for the next of kin.”

Parodi, argued the prosecution, “was mentioned in various testimonies on the one hand as a central link within the information circulation system that began with surveillance agents (‘firefighters’) and ended with the delivery of lists to the armed forces of the repression. On the other, as that representative of the company in charge of negotiating compensation to obtain the resignation of certain workers”.


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