They ask for help to reassemble their house

2023-07-09 17:08:18

A young man who had sworn to serve as a firefighter in Roca on June 2Abigail, suffered an accident at her house this morning as a result of a fire and lost a large part of her things.

Three mobile firefighters attended this morning before a fire call in the Fiske Menuco neighborhood near the University area, but what They did not imagine that it was the house of their partner.

“Sadly, the house that caught fire belonged to a colleague from our institution”, they released in dismay in a public statement this Sunday at noon. “Unfortunately today it touches us much more closely,” they said institutionally from Roca Volunteer Firefighters.

RIO NEGRO consulted about the state of health of the firefighter, and They assured that she and her family are fine, out of danger; but the material damage was significant.

Now from the barracks appeal to the residents of the city to help the young Abigail to rearm everything lost con the flames so they can rebuild their home.

To achieve this and help her, they launched a donation drive. They need girl’s clothes, sizes 10 and 14 and slippers 28 and 33. For women, size L or XL clothes and size 39 shoes. Any element that could be useful at home and that is essential in a family home.

They asked the community that all donations be made “with great urgency”, in addition, in the central headquarters of Belgrano street, they placed an urn where cash contributions can be made for the girl.

Donations can get them to the Central Headquarters at 1343 Belgrano Street, or to the Detachment at 2368 Santa Cruz Street. Otherwise, they ask to contact the fire department through their social networks to coordinate and fetch thethe collected objects.

#reassemble #house

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