They capture members of “the Weffer” dedicated to the sale of drugs

Officials seized several portions of drugs and a weight, which was presented as evidence before the court hearing.

Courtesy | The community had already filed complaints with security forces

Five citizens were captured by authorities in Puerto Cabello, Carabobo state, after multiple complaints for drug trafficking were processed.

The detainees, including three men and two women, would be part of the criminal gang known as “the Weffer.”

The group traded illegal substances and was dedicated to making profits from the sale of drugs in different areas of Puerto Cabello, according to the police report.

A Carabobo Police commission apprehended the suspects, who were taken to the city’s Police Coordination Center.

The community had already filed complaints exposing the quintet as allegedly responsible for micro-trafficking in the Carabobo state.

According to police information, the apprehended are three men aged 39, 30 and 29, as well as two women aged 34 and 31.

The “Los Weffer” gang is known for different crimes in the central zone of the country, and its leader was murdered in Lara state in 2013.

After the procedure, the officials seized several portions of drugs and a weight that they used in the “business”, which were presented as evidence during the court hearing.

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