They discover a SEGA experience starring Michael Jackson after more than two decades lost

Michael Jackson, one of the greatest artists of all time, had a close relationship with video games that continues leaving surprises though the years go by. However, few expected a piece to come to light that, from 1999remained lost and without quality tests of its existence. From 1996 to the year mentioned, Scramble Training was one of the great attractions of SEGA World, the amusement park that closed its doors shortly before the turn of the millennium. And, as we will tell you below, part of this interest is due to the iconic Michael Jackson.

In that attraction, Jackson acted as the commander of a fleet of spaceships who gave instructions to the pilot (role occupied by the players). Thus, through an interactive journey, the artist offered details of the environment, narrated the mission and commented on what was happening in said attraction. Luckily, after years of low-quality videos, one user got a lost copy of the game in a garage and, after digitizing it, he shared the result on his YouTube channel.

Michael Jackson and his predilection for video games thanks to SEGA

as they count in Forbesthe history of this cassette tape D-2 it is very curious. Shortly before his death, a former SEGA employee gave a person part of his company possessions, which is why they were later put up for sale at the famous garage sales from United States. At that time the copy starring Michael Jackson came into the hands of Ben Bizleyuser who digitized the content of the tape and shared it with others on his YouTube channel.

The relationship between Michael Jackson and video games continues to leave news more than a decade after his death. A few months ago, ahead of the launch of Sonic Originscontroversy arose over the absence of the original soundtrack of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, a matter in which the figure of Michael Jackson had some importance. In addition, some time ago we prepared a special focused on Moonwalker, Michael Jackson’s video games that excited in the 90s.

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