They dismantle the laboratory where passports and DPI were falsified – 2024-04-11 07:27:40


They dismantle the laboratory where passports and DPI were falsified

Passports, DPI, credit cards and other documents would have been falsified in a clandestine laboratory in zone 1.

The MP seized equipment used to falsify documents in zone 1 of the capital. (Free Press Photo: MP)

During raids of the Civil national police and the Public ministry in the capital zone 1 y New Villaauthorities found equipment to falsification of various documents.

The operation was coordinated by the Transnational Criminal Investigation Unit, Special investigation unit and agents of the Civil national police.

According to him MPDuring one of the raids, a laboratory in zone 1 of the capitalin which a laboratory for falsification of documents.

Las preliminary investigations indicate that in the place they would have falsified passports, IPR, education certificates, public structures, birth certificates and others.

The authorities seized documents that had been falsifiedas well as equipment y material for its production.

During the raid it was found a special printer for record different fonts, blank cards with chip y magnetic stripes for the making credit cards false.

The authorities They investigate the use that could have been given to the documents and track down people involved in counterfeiting.

#dismantle #laboratory #passports #DPI #falsified

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