They forecast a cool to heat Tuesday with northeast winds

Asunción, IP Company.- The Nationwide Meteorological Directorate forecasts a cool to heat day, cloudy to partially cloudy skies and northeasterly winds.

For this Tuesday, a cool to heat ambiance would predominate all through the Paraguayan territory. The anticipated most temperatures can be round 15 to 31 levels within the Jap area, and between 30 to 32 levels within the Western area.

For tomorrow, Wednesday, each the north of the Jap area and in addition the Chaco, would have a heat to sizzling setting, with most temperatures that will be round 33 to 34 levels.

In flip, on Thursday the temperatures would lower once more over the course of the day, so the anticipated minimal temperatures can be round 14 to 17 levels, in response to the report from the Nationwide Directorate of Meteorology.

As for rain, a storm system is predicted to enter on the finish of the day on Wednesday, initially within the excessive south of the nation, spreading to different areas through the day on Thursday.

#forecast #cool #heat #Tuesday #northeast #winds
2024-05-23 18:06:15

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