They insist on accompanying those who use drugs after the death of the young man in Mandarine

2023-05-03 11:26:06

Harm reduction policy specialists called today for “pragmatic approaches” for users who choose to use drugs recreationally, such as providing more information on mixtures or testing substances, after the death of a 27-year-old young man at dawn on Sunday, in the Mandarine Park nightclub in Buenos Aires, who had consumed an “ecstasy” pill.

The 27-year-old died at the Fernández Hospital after suffering a decompensation at an electronic party and in the emergency toxicological analysis it was revealed that he had used methamphetamine, for which reason specialists warned of the lack of care policies for drug users.

“These tragedies come to highlight the failure of the traditional ‘no to drugs’ policy when in reality pragmatic approaches are needed for users who choose to consume recreationally,” Silvia Inchaurraga, PhD in Psychology and specialist in harm reduction and public policies from the National University of Rosario (UNR).

“Toxicity is not only in drugs, the problem is not in the parties but is in the lack of care policies for those who consume them,” said Inchaurraga and highlighted the importance of drug tests to find out which substances have. “The drug seized in an operation is not analyzed, which could be interesting to see what we are talking about, but testing centers have not been able to be installed at parties either,” said the specialist.

“Substances are adulterated to make them more profitable and to make them more attractive in the market, to have an advantage over other sellers. It is with trial and error,” warned Inchaurraga. Until now, it was known, from the account of his friends, that the deceased young man had consumed the green MDMA pill called “Moncler”.

“This pill is a trade name, we cannot be sure what it contains because it circulates in illegal laboratories that give it that shape and color,” explained Gustavo Zbuczynski, president of the Argentinian Harm Reduction Association (ARDA). ) and complained that “with the prohibition we cannot know what the pills contain and in what quantity”.

“We have to modify drug policies and laws in Argentina, since the big problem today is that substances for personal consumption are penalized,” Zbuczynski asserted. The death of the young man in Mandarine Park once again brought into discussion the care policies at electronic parties and recalled the tragedy of Time Warp, where in 2016 five people died at that party.

«There is still no awareness of businessmen in financing harm reduction devices and with the action of the State we have made little or no progress. Now there is an obligation to have an emergency service and some hydration points, but it is still all very incipient, “said Zbuczynski.

«Here it is necessary to legitimize the harm reduction policies, it does not have to be an organization at a party occasionally. Health promoters must always be there to give information to people about substances that should not be mixed and have a dispenser for water, fruit, sweets and condoms to create a friendly environment”, assured Inchaurraga.

The UNR professor explained that policies on drug use must be clear and not remain “with the ideal.” «We need to talk about consumption, to test the drug and accompany people who have decided to consume. There are very serious consequences of all this continuing to be done clandestinely,” she commented.

Finally, Zbuczynski called on drug users to “research a lot” before any event.
“You have to find out a lot before consuming to prevent easily avoidable situations with basic information,” he stated and recommended “do not consume if you are going through a particular moment, with some physical or mental difficulty, and be extremely careful with the doses, start with a low dose, wait a prudent time of 45 minutes or an hour before incorporating another”.

For inquiries about drug use, line 141 of the Secretariat of Comprehensive Drug Policies of the Argentine Nation (Sedronar) is also available free of charge, anonymously and throughout the country.

Telam Agency

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