They investigate an alleged case of sexual abuse in a primary school in Roca

2023-09-06 17:30:55

Relatives of a primary school in Roca They accuse a teacher for an alleged act of sexual abuse against a student. As reported, the accused person is being investigated to determine the veracity of the accusation.

The fact that transpired during the early hours of this Wednesday arose yesterday when relatives of fourth grade students approached the doors of school No. 128, demanding to see a teacher who is accused of an alleged case of abuse. as reported The situation turned violent and police officers had to go to the scene. to control the parents who wanted to enter the institution.

School authorities stated that the alleged case of abuse became known after an ESI class that was given to fourth grade students in the context of the work they are doing at the institutional level with the situations of coexistence and the pedagogy of care. It was in one of the classroom assemblies that some proposals of the students who put the establishment on alert.

Official sources detailed daily RÍO NEGRO that after giving the students a voice, the appropriate approach in situations of abuse began immediately and therefore, The Supervisor of Primary Education was informed of what happened. They advanced that following the processes in these cases, the supervisor is in charge of taking action on the situation, beginning an investigation that allows determining what is really happening.

So far, the institution is unaware if the parents made the official complaints to the Prosecutor’s Office, but according to what was stated during the course of the day, they were going to carry out the corresponding actions.

For their part, the establishment reported that Given the altercation with the families who came to the school on Tuesday, a meeting was called for this Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. where in the company of the supervisor, they will inform what happened. Through social networks, The parents stated that they were going to carry out a mobilization to demand concrete answers.

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