They ransacked the house of the young merchant attacked in San Antonio, while he was hospitalized

2023-05-09 17:13:14

The young merchant from Las Grutas attacked by another local resident who disfigured his face with blows He experienced another setback when he returned home after undergoing reconstructive surgery in Viedma. It is that, upon arrival, found that it had been completely looted.

The fact was discovered last weekend, when the merchant returned home accompanied by his family after almost a week of hospitalization, and verified that a vent had been violated and, from there, they agreed to carry out the robbery.

“Since they spent so many days outside the house, it is not yet possible to specify at what moment the admission was. The complaint is for the lack of multiple objects, including televisions, microwaves, furniture” stated a high source of the inspection seat on which police station No. 29 depends, which is where the complaint was filed.

Due to the fact, there are no detainees, and, through social networks, the attacked criticized the police action. “Are you going to tell me that in all those days no one saw anything, that no patrol car passed?-he ironized, angry- They took stoves, ripped out toilets… They took all the time in the world” wrote the boywith indignation.

A network collection

On the other hand He took advantage of his networks to launch a proposal that allows him to recover part of the lost money. The idea is that the neighbors who want to support him buy him “a coffee for the future.”

As the man has a bar in San Antonio and another in Las Grutas, those who want to collaborate can, through the “cafecito” modality, contribute the amount equivalent to one or several coffees, so that this sum contributes to sustaining their recovery.

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