They renew the quota for the purchase of savings dollars: who can access the 200 per month

From is monday october third is renewed monthly quota for the purchase of USD 200 that retail savers can purchase through their banks. It occurs on days in which the market closed a week with strong losses, after exchange rate tension that accumulated for almost a month.

The price is located at $254,51 and it is trading about $33.49 below the blue, which is trading at $288 in the informal market. If it is contrasted with the financiers, which are legal and have few restrictions, the difference widens more in the Contado con Liqui that operates above $310. Compared to the MEP, the difference is greater than $44.

The savings dollar can be obtained through Home Banking or through bank branches. However, not everyone can access it, and it should be remembered that the beneficiaries of the electricity and gas subsidy will not be able to buy.

Restrictions for the purchase of dollar savings

  • Those who bought MEP or CCL dollars in the last 90 days
  • Those who received their last salary through the Production and Work Assistance program (ATP)
  • Those who received social plans
  • Monotributists who have ongoing credits at a subsidized rate
  • Those who do not have their income declared to avoid purchases with black money or avoidance of the USD 200 quota through acquisitions through third parties
  • Co-holders of bank accounts
  • Individuals who spent their quota of USD 200 with a card (includes, for example, the payment of Netflix or Spotify in dollars)
  • People who have a payment plan in 12 installments for credit card debts
  • Those who refinanced their debts with banks for personal, pledge or mortgage loans
  • People benefited by the Income Reinforcement

Those who wish to access the purchase of the savings dollar and are not within the group affected by the new conditions of the stocks, will be able to verify the qualification through the Anses Negative Certification.

Dollar card: who do not suffer perceptions for the purchase of services abroad

  • Entities exempt from taxes by national laws
  • cooperative societies
  • religious institutions
  • Associations, foundations and civil entities of social assistance, public health, charity, charity, education and instruction, scientific, literary, artistic, trade unions and those of physical or intellectual culture
  • mutual entities
  • Sports and physical culture associations
  • International non-profit institutions, with legal status, with headquarters established in the Argentine Republic

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