They rescued a man who fell on the rails of the Caracas Metro

They rescued a man who fell to the rails of the Caracas Metro at the Plaza Venezuela station

Firefighters from the Capital District rescued this Tuesday a man who fell onto the rails Caracas Subway at Plaza Venezuela station. The situation generated a strong delay in the provision of the service, for which citizens opted for surface transport.

“User is projected onto the railway at the Plaza Venezuela via Palo Verde station when a train enters the platform. Operational personnel with the support of the fire department carry out rescue work,” the state company reported in Twitter.

The winding forced a single traffic lane will be temporarily implemented between the Chacaíto and La Hoyada stations. Plaza Venezuela was closed for approximately two hours, so transfers between Line 1 and Line 2 were also suspended.

The Caracas Metro reported, after 10:00 am, that the man was transferred to a health center and that the operation of the system on Line 1 had been restored. Likewise, the passage of users in the transfer to the Line 2.

The Fire Department of the Capital District published photos on Twitter of the moment in which they carried out the rescue work of the citizen. The reasons why the user fell are unknown.

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