“They riddled an original community,” they said from the APDH

2023-08-16 17:16:48

“It is a State crime with all the most aggravating and tragic elements that can exist in a democratic State”assured RIO NEGRO RADIO the lawyer Sebastián Feudal in the second hearing of the trial for the Rafael Nahuel case, this morning in Roca.

Feudal is a member of the Permanent Assembly of Human Rights (APDH) and is part of the complaint from that place. She accompanies the Nahuel Salvo family along with lawyers from the National Human Rights Secretariat.

“They riddled an original community (…) I know it’s hard to believe, but that’s what happened. Five elite agents of the security forces entered, opened fire at least 130 shots at a community or a native town,” the lawyer launched.

In the interview with this outlet, he pointed out that with those shots they could have killed the whole community or at least to more people, that November 25, 2017 in Villa Mascardi, 35 kilometers from Bariloche.

The transcendental aspect of the case is the participation of agents states killing a person of special guardianship, as a member of a community of the original peoples”, expressed from the representation of the victim.

“You cannot look at the case without bearing in mind that someone who was demanding a systematically and historically violated constitutional right from the State has been killed”

Sebastián Feudal, lawyer of the Permanent Assembly of Human Rights (APDH)

He explained that this is what makes this case transcendent. «Beyond the commotion that must be generated when an inhabitant of a town who is looking for his identity is violently assassinated by the security forces, whose homicide has been politically defended and almost claimed responsibility,” he postulated.

Asked about what is under debate in the oral and public trial for the murder of the young Mapuche, Feudal said that it will be decided whether the attack by the agents of the Prefecture is in response to a previous attack by the community or not.

For his part, he said that for him “there was no attack from the community” and his hypothesis is that (the defendants) received “an order in a political context in which the security forces were legitimized,” he said.

Key statement: “He shot three lengths”

After the investigative statements of two of the five accused albatrosses, Feudal said that one of them today made a key revelation in the case and that is that he pointed his gun in the direction of three people.

«Francisco Javier Pintos, a member of the elite Albatros command, acknowledged that after having failed in the deterrent shots he threw the bodies away. At least, Pintos acknowledged that he shot at three bodies,” said the lawyer.

Listen to the plaintiff lawyer Sebastián Feudal on his mobile with the journalist Florencia Bark on RÍO NEGRO RADIO:

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#riddled #original #community #APDH

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