They use drones with AI to manage weeds – La Discusión 2024-05-26 13:28:49

Based on the INIA, within the fields of the irrigated valley of Ñuble, between 100 and 150 species of weeds have been described, of which about 15 are of very excessive significance within the productive space of ​​the central-southern space.

Weeds are usually not distributed homogeneously within the area, however are very generally positioned in areas of higher density, which have to be positioned, characterised and managed in a well timed method. Subsequently, the introduction of drones with synthetic intelligence (AI) is introduced as an modern answer to optimize and enhance agricultural practices.

Exactly, this 12 months analysis started targeted on the evaluation of crops by means of using AI. It’s promoted by FIA and led by INIA, in collaboration with the Nationwide Heart for Synthetic Intelligence, SAT del Maule and Ñuble and drone corporations, resembling DJI Dronespray.

Lorenzo León, researcher at INIA Quilamapu, who leads this analysis to manage weeds in rice, wheat and legume crops by means of using AI, states that drones are thought-about an environment friendly and sustainable technological revolution as a result of they permit the rationalization of functions. on scales that till very just lately have been unimaginable. “AI drones complement conventional weed management strategies by enabling localized functions, because of digital prescription maps. These maps, developed with the assistance of AI, point out the particular areas the place it’s mandatory to use – by means of using drones – management at a given time, thus optimizing using herbicides,” he assured.

Concerning some great benefits of drones over conventional strategies, León identified that “they lie in the potential for finishing up localized management, which permits extra environment friendly administration techniques for use and cut back herbicide masses utilized to the setting. This contributes to the sustainability of the productive system.”

Jorge Álamos, co-founder of DJI Dronespray, added that, by utilizing them to use merchandise or fertilizers exactly, using water sources is diminished and doesn’t generate soil compaction or erosion.”

#drones #management #weeds #Discusión

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