Things to do daily to maintain oral hygiene, most notably choosing the right brush

The mouth is the gateway to the body’s health, and plays cleanliness the mouth Bad plays an important role in certain systemic problems and make the individual more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases such as diabetes and low birth weight children, so here are some things that should be done daily to improve oral hygiene, according to what was published on the website “doctor-ndtv“.


Brushing is completed in the following three steps: choosing the right toothbrush, the right amount of toothpaste.

Choosing the right toothbrush

Choosing the right brush is the most important step in maintaining hygiene, care must be taken as there is a difference in the size of an adult toothbrush head and a child toothbrush, a child should not be given an adult toothbrush due to the anatomical difference in the deciduous and permanent teeth.

Manual brushes used with proper techniques work just as well as automatic brushing, ideally, one should focus on a soft toothbrush with a flexible neck to reach and clean the inaccessible areas.

Choosing the right toothpaste

Anti-sense toothpastes help reduce the painful sensitivity that people experience when eating something cold, hot, acidic or sweet. Whitening toothpastes should be used under the supervision of a dentist and should be combined with fluoridated toothpaste if sensitivity develops.

Toothpaste quantity

The amount of toothpaste that children should use should be the size of a pea. They should be encouraged not to swallow the excess, because the effect of fluoride is topical and should not be given before teeth appear.

How to clean teeth

1. Brushing should be done twice daily for two minutes by keeping the toothbrush at a 45 degree angle with the gums and gently moving the brush back and forth in short circular strokes (at the level of the teeth).

2. Clean the outer surfaces, the inner surfaces and the chewing surfaces of the teeth.

3. To clean the inner surfaces of the front teeth, tilt the brush vertically and make several upward and downward motions.

4. Replace your toothbrush every three or four months, or sooner if the bristles are frayed. A worn toothbrush will not do a good job of cleaning your teeth.

5. Store the toothbrush uncovered in an upright position if possible, and let it air dry until it is used again.

Cleaning your tongue is important to your dental health for the following reasons:

1. It controls unwanted bacteria that can contribute to tooth decay.

2. Fights bad breath.

3. It improves your sense of taste.

4. You get a better aesthetic when smiling or laughing.

5. Tongue scrapers or tongue brushes work well at removing bacteria from the tongue.


If there’s something stuck between your teeth and you want to remove it right away, stick with tools designed for interdental cleaning such as floss, a small interdental brush and water floss.

Proper flossing removes plaque and food particles where a toothbrush can’t easily reach – under the gum line and between your teeth. Since plaque buildup can lead to tooth decay and gum disease, flossing daily is a must.


Mouthwashes provide the advantage of reaching areas that cannot be easily reached with a toothbrush. There are two types of mouthwashes: cosmetic and therapeutic. Cosmetic mouthwash may temporarily control bad breath and leave behind a pleasant aftertaste. To avoid bad breath, avoid mouthwashes containing alcohol.

healthy food

Eat right to have a healthy smile. Calcium-rich dairy products like cheese and yoghurt are good for dental health. One should incorporate green leafy vegetables like apples, celery, and almonds to get sparkling teeth.

Avoid foods that are harmful to dental health

Avoid hard sugar candy and bite on ice as they can lead to a dental emergency such as broken teeth, avoid coffee and acidic drinks and replace them with plain water.

mouth wash

Try to incorporate the habit of washing your mouth with water every time you eat sticky foods. Mix salt with warm water as it has no side effects.

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