this is how it should be consumed to lose weight quickly

Peppermint is a well-known plant thanks to its smell. It is widely used in the kitchen as a condiment, since the oil from its leaves aromatizes and gives a good flavor to preparations.

This plant is also used when it is dehydrated to make liquors and when it is fresh to make teas in combination with other aromatic species. Its scientific name is ‘Mentha Spicata’, and it is also It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium.

As for ginger, it is a root native to the Asian continent, more specifically from China and part of India. It grows in almost any tropical climate and Eastern countries consider it essential in the daily diet, as a preventive of diseases and as a digestive aid.

Among some of the properties that ginger contains, listed by the Secretary of Agroindustry of Argentina, are the have a decongestant power, an antioxidant effect, and antispasmodic and analgesic actions.

According to the portal specialized in gastronomy and food composition GastroLab With the combination of these two products (mint and ginger) you can create a drink that relaxes the body and also contributes to weight loss.

To do it you need: two cups of water, the necessary amount of mint, a lemon, a piece of ginger, honey to taste and a little baking soda.


1. Grate ginger in order to prepare it for tea.

2. Wash the mint with water and a little baking soda to disinfect it.

3. Put two cups in a pot and bring to the fire.

4. When it starts to boil add the sliced ​​lemon, ginger and mint.

5. Wait a few minutes for them to cook and lower the heat.

6. Give the tea another 10 minutes to steep.

7. Sweeten with a little honey to improve its flavor.

8. Serve and consume for two weeks after each meal and before bed.

It is also possible to make a drink for hot days that has digestive properties that help reduce kilos and eliminate fat from the body. The specialized medium your healthexplained that For this drink you will need: a piece of pineapple, two pieces of ginger, ice and a small amount of mint.


1. If the pineapple has skin, remove it.

2. Put the pineapple together with two pieces of ginger in the blender.

3. Mix until a homogeneous liquid is formed.

4. Add a little mint and ice.

5. Serve without straining and without adding sugar.

6. Consume.

In addition to the above, Medline Plus, website of the National Library of Medicine of the United States, points out some habits that can be applied daily to maintain a healthy weight.

  • Maintain a healthy diet: one of the mistakes some people make is not eating breakfast. Among the most common reasons are the desire or habit of not doing it.
  • Organize the kitchen: this space can become a trigger for bad eating habits. This can happen if the pantry is full of foods that are high in sugar.
  • Eliminate old habits: it is necessary to listen to the body and pay attention to the sensation that some foods cause. Do not eat quickly and read the nutritional information of each food.
  • Discipline with the exercise routine: physical activity is also an important element to obtain good results when getting on the scale. Also, You don’t need to go to a gym to burn fat.

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