This is the reason Romi’s girlfriend with popcorn, Rohimah died

Jakarta, Insertlive

Kiwil’s ex-wife Rohimah is grieving. Rommi, his popcorn girlfriend, died today, Saturday (29/1).

The news was conveyed by Rohimah via Instagram Stories upload. He expressed grief over the departure of his lover.

“Innalilahi wa Inna ilaihi Raji’un. Goodbye, mas Romi. You are the best person I have ever known and I have spoken to four times. All your kindness to me so far I will never forget,” wrote Rohimah, Saturday (29/1).

Rohimah also thank you for all the memories that have been passed together. He also prays that Rum acceptable in the sight of Allah SWT.

“God willing, your good deeds will be accepted by HIS side. Amen,” closed Rohimah.

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