This plant antioxidant content reduces cholesterol by 35% in the first 3 weeks | Indian Gooseberry | Cholesterol Lowering | Indian Gooseberry Benefits

“Medicinal plants are a gift from nature to humans, enabling humans to avoid pain and live a healthy life.” This is the description of a berry in the authoritative medical journal “Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology” (JBCPP), This berry is Amla known as “Ayurvedic Miracle” (Chinese name: Embergia or Glycyrrhiza oleifera), also known as AmlaIndian gooseberry(Indian gooseberry)。

Indian gooseberryHighly regarded, in various medical journals, you will learn a lot about its powerful benefits. For example, a study in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention called it “the miracle berry for cancer treatment and prevention.” In a review article in the rigorous medical journal Pharmacological Research, you’ll find scientists stating: “Each part of the plant ‘Indian gooseberry’ has its own unique treatment. It can be used to treat almost all diseases, and it can be used as a single drug ‘against the disease’.”


When I’m querying thousands of different foodsanti-oxidationThe total antioxidant content of more than 3100 foods, beverages, spices, herbs and supplements used worldwide Learn more about Indian gooseberries for the first time in this well-known literature.

One of the surprising discoveries is that Indian gooseberry is the world’santi-oxidationSingle whole food with the highest concentration of antioxidants: Indian gooseberry powder beats the previous heavyweight champion clove, with more than a hundred times the amount of antioxidants (by weight) as blueberries.

Therefore, this fruit enjoys a “sacred status” in the ancient Indian medical system “Ayurveda” and is called “the first tree in the universe” in mythology. People have worshipped this plant for thousands of years, long before we even knew what antioxidants were. Happily, now we finally know that its fruit is the most antioxidant-rich berry on the planet. Of course this is of great interest. Still, it remains to be seen how well it works experimentally.

Healers of indigenous tribes used Indian gooseberry to treat diabetes, which sparked the interest of researchers. The results of an experiment published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition got me excited about Indian gooseberries. 5 years ago, I made my first video on NutritionFacts on this topic: The effect of gooseberry berries on blood sugar and cholesterol levels in normal people and people with type 2 diabetes. The results of the study showed that the 5-cent dose of berry powder (worth 5p) was jaw-droppingly better than diabetes medication. But how does gooseberry work on cholesterol?

Ideally, people want their total cholesterol to be below 150 because people who achieve this are very healthy.And the average cholesterol in the United States is over 200. In a study in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, this value was used as a starting point for the study of diabetic patients. When normal and diabetic subjects were given a placebo, their cholesterol no change; however, when diabetic subjects took about half a teaspoon of gooseberry powder (berry powder, not an extract) daily, cholesterol dropped by 35% to 45% within 3 weeks, which is equivalent to taking statinslower cholesterolThe effect of the drug for 6 months, it can be said that this result is absolutely shocking.

Indian gooseberry powder (berry powder, not extract). (Shutterstock)

People are mostly concerned about LDL – the so-called bad cholesterol, which should ideally be at least below 70. Again, the subjects who took the placebo had no effect, but with only about half a teaspoon of currants, which is about 5 cents a day, or $1.50 a month, you managed to bring your bad cholesterol down.

Such results are unbelievable. Not only that, according to the past research literature on Indian gooseberry, you will find that the addition of Indian gooseberry to the feed can reduce the methane in the gas emitted by cattle, and can also accelerate the growth and development of chickens, and even add Indian gooseberry to ice cream. Also increased antioxidant capacity as a result, despite the way eating this ice cream to lower cholesterol.

This article was originally published on NUTRITIONFACTS.ORG, and was reprinted and translated by The Epoch Times in Chinese and English. For the English report, please see:The Best Food for High Cholesterol

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Responsible editor: Li Fan

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