this serious and unsuspected danger for babies

2023-09-07 06:00:04

Many of us appreciate the ease of use of our microwave oven. Whether through the use of baby bottles, prepared meals, or any other plastic container, this method of cooking is a simple and quick solution widely used because of its practicality. However, a study reveals to what extent (Graphie) its use could expose us to extremely large quantities of micro and nano-plastic particles, which are particularly dangerous for babies.
Image d’illustration Pixabay

Researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (United States) have just revealed that plastic containers such as baby bottles can release these harmful substances in quantity (quantity is a generic term for metrology (count, amount); a scalar,…) massive (The word massive can be used as :). The study focused on two baby containers (Baby onomatopoeia designates a young human being. In…), one in polypropylene (Isotactic polypropylene (or polypropene), with the acronym PP (or PPi) and formula…) and the other in polyethylene (Polyethylene, or polyethene (generic acronym PE), is one of…), both approved by the American health authorities.

To conduct their experiments, the researchers filled baby containers (jars or other plastic containers) with demineralized water and acetic acid to simulate the acidity of foods usually reheated such as dairy products, fruits or vegetables. They then microwaved (The past is primarily a concept linked to time: it is made up of all…) these containers (3 minutes (Primary form of a document: Law: one minute is the original of an act. …) at 1000 watts), and realized that each centimeter (A centimeter (symbol cm) is equal to 10-2 = 0.01 meter.) square (A square is a regular polygon four sides. This means that his…) of plastic could release 4 million microplastic particles, and up to 2 billion nanoplastic particles!

The rest of the experiment aimed to assess the risk of these particles on the baby. After exposing embryonic kidney cells cultured in the laboratory to similar concentrations of particles, they found that 77% of the cells did not survive just two days of exposure to these particles.

To date, the main studies carried out on the subject tend to focus on baby bottles, but often forget the other plastic pots or plates used to heat up the meals of our dear little ones. Even if they still lack elements on the real toxicity (Toxicity (from the Greek τοξικότητα…) of these plastics), the researchers therefore recommend the greatest caution.

This discovery follows our recent article in which we discussed the risk of emulsifier consumption during pregnancy (Pregnancy is the physiological process during which the living offspring of a woman…) or breastfeeding (L Nursing is the action of female mammals feeding their offspring…). Furthermore, concerning the subject of microplastics, we recently published this article which mentioned the fact that particles of microplastics can be found in our brain (The brain is the main organ of the central nervous system of animals. The brain processes.. .), as well as this article which introduced you to a new filter (A filter is a system used to separate elements in a flow.) which makes it possible to capture 99.9% of the microplastics present in water.

#unsuspected #danger #babies

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