This will be the wake and last goodbye of Darío Gómez

On the followingnoon of last Tuesday, July 26, the popular music singer Darío Gómez, known as the ‘King of Spite’, He died at the Clinic of the Americas in Medellin.where he was admitted in a state of unconsciousness, according to the medical center.

“Clínica Las Américas Auna is allowed to inform that today, July 26, 2022, Mr. Darío Gómez Zapata entered the emergency service, in a state of unconsciousness, following having suffered a sudden collapse at home”, says the medical center in a short statement.

The clinic stressed that he was admitted without vital signs and was taken to the resuscitation room, “where advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers were performed without results and his death was finally declared at 7:31 pm.”

This will be your farewell

The singer’s body was transferred to Legal Medicine, since then the fans have not stopped arriving at the place to pay tribute to his memory with songs. In addition, several tributes are being prepared in the streets of Medellín to bid farewell to the ‘King of Spite’.

Given the pain of the people of Medellín, the Mayor’s Office of the city, accompanies his family, followers and friends in their pain at the departure of the greatest artist of popular music in Colombia.

For this reason, with the intention of allowing his followers and citizens to fire the artist, the district administration has arranged the Yesid Santos volleyball arena, located in the Atanasio Girardot Sports Unit, to say goodbyethus fulfilling the desire that the artist had expressed in life.

The body will remain in a burning chamber from this July 27 at 9:00 pm and until Saturday July 30 at 11:00 am There, those who wish to fire him may do so in compliance with the security measures provided.

Those who wish to participate in this tribute should bear in mind that The entry of minors is prohibited, as well as the entry of liquor or people in a state of intoxication.

“Darío Gómez, as an artist and person, contributed in innumerable ways to the visibility of Paisa culture and Colombian music. From Medellín, the deepest thanks are reiterated for a career that marked the lives of all Colombians,” the Medellín Mayor’s Office said in a statement.

Gómez was known as the ‘King of Spite’, which raises questions regarding the origin of this nickname.

On several occasions, the singer revealed that this nickname was given to him by the announcer Nelson Moreno Holguín, at the time he was promoting one of his albums in 1992, since he presented him as Darío Gómez, the ‘King of Spite’, and from there he used for the rest of his artistic career.

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And it is precisely for that year, the interpreter of ‘No one is eternal’ he was promoting his album the king of spitewhich would be his thirteenth musical work.

the tragedies of his life

Although his life has been marked by different tragedies, one that stood out It was the day he confessed to killing his dad.

According to the renowned artist, his father was cursed because, according to Gómez, his father messed with another woman. “My dad was given that curse so concentrated that he was given it was for killing my mom”which is why he ended up becoming another person and, according to Darío Gómez, his family began to ignore him.

“When I was very angry because of jealousy, I wanted to kill my mother. He sometimes said that he wanted to kill her and even kill her children, and then kill himself, ”said the singer.

Given the facts shown, the relationship with his father began to be very distant between him and several members of the family, to such an extent that his brother, Orlando Gómez, ended up running away from home.

Likewise, Gómez stated at the time that this abuse lasted more than a year and everyone was surprised by these actions, since, according to him, he was a great husband and father.

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