Three police officers charged with murder in connection with the death of a toddler: blood-chilling new audio

A new audio clip has been circulating the web since September 1, relating to the three Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers who played a role in the death of a father and his baby, shot dead in November 2020.

• Read also: Three police officers charged with murder in Ontario toddler death

On the day of the tragedy, which occurred in Kawartha Lakes, 70 km north of Peterborough, on November 26, 2020, the three police officers involved in this story had tried to intercept a van in which was a 33-year-old father. year-old suspected of abducting her 18-month-old son.

During the intervention, the man had hit a patrol car, seriously injuring a police officer. Three officers, Nathan Vanderheyden, Kenneth Pengelly and Grason Cappus, then intervened to subdue the man and ended up opening fire, hitting both the father and the toddler.

The Special Investigations Unit (UES), the equivalent of the Independent Investigations Bureau (BEI) in Quebec, considered that it had “reasonable grounds to believe that [les] three Ontario Provincial Police officers committed “criminal offenses” in connection with the deaths.

According to the “Toronto Sun”, Shawn Salo, known in the community for closely following police communications on scanners, broadcast the audio extract on social networks on Thursday evening.

In the video, a policeman can be heard indicating that the father is pointing a gun to his head and that he seems “desperate”. The policeman summons the man to drop his weapon, before the sound of gunshots is heard.

On the audio, it is possible “to hear the heartbreaking sounds of the officer who was struck moaning through his radio which was damaged, added Shawn Salo. […] These officers had seconds to react to a situation that nearly killed another officer, they had seconds to deal with a man with a gun.”

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