Tingling: everything you need to know about paresthesias

2023-05-23 16:51:48

THE tingling also called in medical parlance “paresthesias” designate abnormal, superficial tingling sensations unrelated to a sensory stimulus.

Tingling occurs spontaneously or following compression of a nerve or blood vessel.

Tingling is usually associated with a loss of touch sensitivity partial (hypoesthésie) or total (anesthesia). We are talking regarding feelings of numbness. These can be accompanied by other manifestations such as pain, weakness of a limb…

In the vast majority of cases, tingling is a symptom as banal as it is benign. They can be the consequence of a crampsor a prolonged poor posture. Nevertheless, tingling is sometimes a sign of a neurological or metabolic disease whose degree of severity is variable.

Causes: What diseases cause tingling (paraesthesia)?

THE tingling are an extremely common symptom that can affect any individual regardless of age, gender and health condition. They can be associated with a muscle cramp or be the consequence of a bad position leading to a cut in blood circulation or a nerve compression. Sometimes they appear unexplained.

However, tingling that occurs repeatedly can alert the doctor to the existence of an underlying disease or health problem, such as:

  • A neurological disease : multiple sclerosis, AVC (cerebrovascular accident), Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease… ;
  • A metabolic disease : diabetes (diabetic neuropathy), thyroid disorders…;
  • And chronic alcoholism ;
  • A intoxication certain heavy metals such as mercury;
  • The taking certain medications (tingling may be Side effects of opioid treatments or cancer chemotherapy) ;
  • A tumor or some cancer metastases (especially if they affect the spinal cord);
  • A deficiency vitamin B1 (thiamine) or B12 or even magnesium (essential mineral);
  • A infection (zone, HIV…) ;
  • And trauma ;
  • A malaise vagala hypoglycemia or a pressure drop ;
  • A chronic inflammatory disease (as the rheumatoid arthritis) ;
  • A autoimmune disease (as the Guillain-Barré syndrome).

What causes tingling in the hands?

The appearance of tingling in the hands (especially at tip of the fingers) is very common. These symptoms can be the result of:

  • And carpal tunnel syndrome which can cause sensory disturbances and a decrease in strength in the first 3 fingers of the hand; due to compression of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel.
  • A spasmophilia crisis whose manifestations are related to accelerated breathing (hyperventilation). In general, a state of anxiety, emotional shock and stress can lead to tingling in the hands.
  • The Raynaud’s phenomenon (or Raynaud’s disease), a vascular disorder that manifests as a change in the color of the fingers and sometimes also the toes, which turn white or blue and numb from exposure to cold, humidity or emotional stress .
  • A cervical disc herniation which is a displacement of part of the intervertebral disc which compresses the root of the nerve located at the level of the spine and can cause tingling and pain from the neck to the fingers.
  • The fact of sleep on his arm and hand.

Fingers, feet, legs, face, whole body… Which parts of the body are affected by tingling?

Any part of the body can be affected by tingling. However, the most commonly affected body parts are the arms, legs and extremities. The sitting position crossed or bent legs is a common cause of ants in the legs.

I feel tingling in the head: why? When to worry?

It happens that tingling appears in the face or head.

They can be a sign of a hypoglycemic attack. In this case, they are often associated with cold sweata pallor and tremors. A little sugar puts an end to these unpleasant symptoms.

Nevertheless, it is preferable tocall 15 or112 and :

  • Tingling affects one side of the face and that they are accompanied by other signs such as a confusional stateof the speech difficulties or some headache. Indeed, it might then be a stroke.
  • The tingling diffuses in the head, the neck and sometimes in the entire body with other associated signs: dizziness, dizziness, weakness, hypotension.. It might then be a malaise (syncope). It is preferable for the patient to lie down in the lateral safety position while waiting for help.

Ants in the limbs: other signs often associated

The symptoms most often associated with tingling and tingling are:

  • changing perceptions;
  • a feeling of numbness;
  • a feeling of electric shock (in case of cramps in particular);
  • a slight burning sensation;
  • a loss of sensitivity;
  • a muscular weakness ;
  • significant fatigue.

Diagnosis and treatments: how to treat tingling sensations?

The diagnosis of tingling is essentially clinical. Complementary examinations may be prescribed in order to detect the cause of the latter (if the doctor suspects the existence of an underlying disease). It can be a Brain MRIof a electromyogram or evenblood tests

Sometimes a single position change or a Put into motion of the affected limb or physical activity allow these feelings of numbness to disappear.

Treatment for tingling depends on their cause:

  • And diabetic must, for example, maintain medical monitoring (in endocrinology and nutrition) and monitor their blood sugar levels.
  • An alcoholic will have to endure alcohol withdrawal.
  • In case of’AVC, drugs are given to dissolve the clot that is blocking the blood vessel. The treatment can be surgical, to empty the pocket of blood which compresses part of the brain…

#Tingling #paresthesias



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