Tip: Aluminum foil in the dishwasher works wonders

2023-06-11 13:00:00


Aluminum foil in the dishwasher works wonders

Your cutlery is dull when it comes out of the dishwasher and your knives have lost their sharpness? Never mind! Thanks to a very simple trick, you will solve this problem.


Placing a ball of aluminum foil in the dishwasher would result in shinier cutlery.


Specializing in household hacks, TikTokeuse Carolina McCauley shares her favorite tip for making cutlery shine. No need to polish them for hours… just a little something that everyone has at home.

And that little something is aluminum foil. Carolina makes a ball of it which she puts in the cutlery basket of the dishwasher. And There you go! Cutlery comes out super shiny! The phenomenon of tarnishing is due to rust coming from the screws located inside the machine or on the pans, which comes to deposit in a thin layer on the cutlery. Since aluminum oxidizes faster than stainless steel, it attracts rust. The chemical reaction that occurs between the aluminum foil and the dishwashing liquid eliminates all traces.

Effective, the trick is nonetheless controversial, because the manufacture of aluminum foil alone requires large amounts of energy and aluminum oxides can over time be released into the environment.


Even though Carolina talks about “silverware” in her video, most flatware used today is stainless steel. If the trick works without being bad for your health, it is however not particularly good for the environment. Indeed, the production of aluminum requires large amounts of energy and aluminum oxides can over time be released into the environment with the rinsing water.

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