Tiroler Tageszeitung, editorial, June 12, 2023 edition. By KARIN LEITNER. “Who’s afraid of the red man?”.

2023-06-11 22:00:10

Innsbruck (OTS) Turquoises and blues worried about Hans Peter Doskozil at the head of the Social Democrats – because he could take voters away from them. It would be different with Andreas Babeler. Now the reaction to this as party leader is hysterical.

Hopefully not Hans Peter Doskozil will become chairman of the SPÖ, but Andreas Babler. That was heard before the party congress of the Reds from Turquoise and Blue. With his asylum course in the National Council election, Doskozil could bring former ÖVPler and FPÖler to the SPÖ. Baber would not succeed. This would score points with Green supporters and those flirting with the KPÖ or Marco Pogo. There has never been a “left majority” before, and there is certainly none with Babler. Doskozil was only a few hours before the SPÖ because of the vote counting disaster. Now that is the Traiskirchner Mayor Babler.
Proponents of the ÖVP and FPÖ could therefore be relaxed. Also in view of the fact that Babler – like Pamela Rendi-Wagner – is publicly shouted at by “party friends” this way and that. You could have reacted like NEOS boss Beate Meinl-Reisinger: “I’m looking forward to an exchange about his positions and visions for our country.” Congratulations also came from the Greens. There was alarmism and harsh criticism from the ÖVP. Secretary General Christian Stocker recently invited to a press conference entitled “Further steps for future plan Austria 2030”. The Chancellor’s party’s “plan for the future” did not dominate. It was the new one at the top of the SPÖ. Stocker said: “The route from South to North Korea is taken via Babler’s route.” Even ÖVPers like Lustenau Mayor Kurt Fischer rate this finding as a “no go”.
If Babler is a Marxist or a communist, he can’t be a competitor for the ÖVP. Why is she afraid of the red man? It’s probably because: party ties – dad chose this group, so she chooses daughter or son too – has long since ceased to exist. For many it is not about ideology, but about: Which politician do I trust to alleviate what is burdening? The Salzburg KPÖ had the housing issue on its agenda. Like the one in Graz, she also received encouragement away from the classic clientele because of credible help. Babeler focuses on basic human needs. In other words, on social-democratic issues such as housing and the affordability of groceries, which since the 1970s have seemed settled because of the increase in prosperity. You are acute again. As the dominant governing party, the ÖVP could have eliminated existential problems for many. Economic experts had also pushed for a “rent brake”. If the ÖVP does not become active, someone on the “path from South to North Korea” could overtake them in the election.

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#Tiroler #Tageszeitung #editorial #June #edition #KARIN #LEITNER #Whos #afraid #red #man

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