To protect the Earth .. a spacecraft collides with a meteor this month

Baghdad / Nina A mission launched by NASA, the American space agency, is close to completing its main mission, which is to save the planet from the dangers of a meteorite.

And the agency said in a statement: It launched the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission last year, in which a spacecraft belonging to it will deliberately collide with an asteroid in an effort to change its direction, especially as it is among the asteroids very close to Earth.

She added: On September 26, the NASA spacecraft will move towards the asteroid at a speed of 24,000 kilometers per hour, and this is the first mission related to changing the direction of the asteroid, whose success could save humanity from extinction like the dinosaurs.

The spacecraft will collide with the moving moon with the asteroid Didymos, which bears the name Demorphos, which has a diameter of 525 feet (160 meters).

And NASA chose the moon, Demorphos, for this particular mission, because its size is commensurate with asteroids that could pose a threat to Earth.

The spacecraft involved in the mission will not be able to wipe the asteroid out of existence, because its size is about 100 times smaller.

After carrying out the (DART) mission, scientists will discover the impact of the collision in space on this asteroid.

Scientists hope that the collision may change the direction of the asteroid Didymos, and if the mission is not successful, it is expected that NASA will send more missions in the future.

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