Togolese Revolution / The Watchtower: Chronicle of Voluntary Political Servitude

2023-04-24 00:53:45

Archives: DR

« Democracy is much more than the practice of
elections and the government of the majority: it is a type of morals, of virtue, of scruples, of civic sense, of respect for the adversary; it’s a moral code » Pierre Mendes France

In Togo, regional and legislative elections are announced. And as always in this country, the evocation of an electoral ballot causes earthquakes and eruptions in the political Landerneau. One can imagine perplexity, anger and even sadness. The historian Fernand Braudel has written beautiful pages on the redundancies of history which are not enough to explain his stuttering in Togo. It is in fact a deliberate choice, fueled by the selective amnesia of opposition leaders. The Pavlovian reflex of politicians, enticed by sinecures, should no longer question. Those who profess to carry the aspirations of the people have also chosen not to rise above the consciousness of their belly. No need to predict: they will never reach the severity who makes true statesmen.

The nation must resolve to undergo, once again, the electoral fever which has seized the crypto-leaders of the opposition that the long dictatorship of the Gnassingbé has finished decerebrate and lobotomize. The Togolese politician sees in the partner, as soon as the electoral bone is thrown into the arena, only an adversary to be slain. The philippiques of the same against the same flutter, a prelude to whole cartloads of exclusions for incompatibility of political analysis. It’s distressing.

And yet, the slightest observer clearly sees the white threads with which their defeat is always sewn. The blindness is deep. Sad fate of a martyred people who cannot count on the firm and lucid determination of their heralds. Busy in polishing the weapons of an abject wild race for prebends, they are incapable of making an adequate reading of the world geopolitical situation. What do they propose to solicit our votes? What is the program ?

And yet, if they had raised their heads, they would have made a “glocal” reading of the situation in Togo. They would have made the necessary intellectual breakthrough that founds the action. They would have measured the emptiness of participating in an electoral contest that does not solve any problem in Togo and in French-speaking Africa in general. On the contrary. They would have understood, in thirty years of wandering, the iniquity of the renewal of the same methods, advocated by the same stables and for the same failures. They would have finally identified the madness in which they contrive to lead Togo.

How do they not discern in the international maelstrom that Faure Gnassingbé is the only beneficiary of the announced elections? The Lomé 2 regime is wavering and strongly shaken to its foundations. Its international support is increasingly failing. He has all the trouble in the world to face the terrorism that is rampant in the north of the country. Mr. Gnassingbé is even more powerless to withstand the shocks of the exogenous interests that he has always served. He knows he cannot count on a people that decades of mistreatment have taken away from him. The army is not trained against external threats. It is a militia turned against the people, in the service of family power. Squaring the circle. Lomé 2 sees its salvation only in what it knows how to do best: elections, with paid participants, to restore its image. The attempt of a hypothetical union of the people, around a putative leader is underway. The objective being to be able to brandish as a trophy the “democratic” character of a regime worn to the bone.

Jean-Pierre Fabre and the mafia-like brood of pseudo-opponents made the deliberate choice to support the dictatorship against the Togolese people. Let it be acknowledged. The National Alliance for Change (ANC) has brought its participation in all electoral consultations to the level of “dogma”. With constant positive electoral law, it is clear that victory is not the desired goal. The interest is elsewhere.

Why should the Dynamics for the Majority of the People (DMP) and the parties who want to be serious support this forfeiture? What interest does the people have in flying to the aid of a dying regime? Why in the end take the risk of breaking your neck at the top of a tree for a ripe fruit, about to fall? What do they hope for by participating in the next elections? Victory ? We said, that’s not the point. The outcome of all the elections in Togo tells us that Lomé 2 will never allow either the truth of the ballot box or the peaceful devolution of power to a force for change. Mr. Gnassingbé warned us: “ daddy said never give up power? “. To forget this founding doctrine of the Gnassingbé dynasty is suicidal. The opposition invites us to do so.

What then can justify the participatory rush to an election that we know we cannot win? The tartuffes try to convince us of the need not to leave a boulevard to the dictatorship. As if they could afford it! This is a fallacious argument. Faure Gnassingbé is the master of the electoral game. He arranges paths as he pleases for the guides of his choice.

Others blandly evoke an electoral revolution. The people know that “its leaders” lack constancy and coherence. Many proponents of this theory have refused any support for the DMK’s legitimate claim of victory in 2020. It’s never too late to do the right thing. Even… Any electoral revolution which will not be preceded by an internal revolution in the opposition, by cleaning the stables of Augeas, will have no chance of succeeding. This is again a chimera intended to justify a shameful compromise.

Vain Unionist rantings are the usual dressing-up for future betrayals. The dictatorship has produced a mediocre and vicious political class, wheeler-dealer and structurally opposed to any real opposition to Lomé 2. They cannot tolerate a leadership that lends credibility to the action. The only thing that counts is the mantra of a headless and heterogeneous union that will cause tomorrow’s defeats.

The people must bend to the ground and live on their knees to be better plundered. His own sons actively participate in this disastrous plan of their masters of Françafrique, this mafia which rules the minds and distributes the roles of the actors notably through their common Masonic membership. The interests of the order supersede those of the nation. As Chateaubriand said of Napoleon: a midge that flew without his order was in his eyes a rebellious insect “. These slaves, subject to an iron order, are responsible for continually putting the tyrant back in the saddle. Fabre, Apéro, Gogué and others don’t care about an election in which they hardly believe. They only believe in their lodges. They have faith only in the thickness of their wallet. Any liberation of Togo goes through the ruthless sidelining of these crooked individuals, who no longer belong to themselves and who will never defend the interests of the nation as a priority.

There is, ultimately, no good reason to support a de facto president in elections designed as the legitimization of the forfeiture of February 22, 2020. Serious politicians know how to cultivate the art of doing nothing. Better, those of the fabric of Mandela or Gbagbo, know how to work underground, stubbornly with the advent of the kaïros. With the correctness of the fight as their only compass, they are ready to embrace the nights and the deserts, the shadows and the luminous radiance of victory. They know how, in total oblation, to say with Henri de La Rochejaquelein: Sif I advance, follow me; If I die, avenge me ; If I go back, kill me. “. The fate of a nation is only at stake at this level of commitment from the actors. Politics is neither a game nor a livelihood.

The breakup of the DMK is an illustration of the inability of politicians to think about reality, to situate the issues and to create synapses which form the basis of a coherent strategy. The three years of electoral contestation of the DMK, have strongly shaken the dictator. The impatience of the inner branch of this movement will only waste its benefits. This schism is the result of the proverbial greed of the Togolese politician. It will offer the levers for unraveling the victory of the dynamics of the prelate. It’s a safe bet that the schismatic adventure of the DMP will not sink below the 19% “granted” to the DMK in 2020. The argument of a victorious participation, with a view to gaining access to the levers of power for rehabilitating the DMK is a joke. It is neither realistic nor acceptable in a dictatorial regime. In Lomé 2 we do not lose the north. It is absolutely necessary to endorse the package of 2020. Faure Gnassingbé has the possibility, supreme cynicism, of reversing the scores of the DMK and the ANC of 2020 and of remaking Jean-Pierre Fabre the leader of the opposition. End clap. The adventure of the DMP is a shipwreck.

The Togolese opposition is not serious. Mediocrity and greed have never overthrown a dictatorship and ensured the happiness of a people.

Jean-Baptiste K.

#Togolese #Revolution #Watchtower #Chronicle #Voluntary #Political #Servitude

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