Too much vitamin D: Man is hospitalized with poisoning

Preparations against vitamin D deficiency. (symbol photo)

© Claudio Divizia / Imago Images

After receiving nutritional advice, a man dosed a vitamin D preparation so high that he ended up in the hospital with poisoning. Now he wants to warn others about it.

East Kent – Vitamin D deficiency is a widespread health phenomenon. According to an estimate by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), around 30 percent of adults in Germany are affected. Vitamin D is important for the human organism because it regulates the phosphate and calcium metabolism. Among other things, it contributes to the hardening of the bones. Vitamin D also promotes a functioning immune system and has an impact on muscle strength.

Experts often recommend sunlight to remedy a vitamin D deficiency. The radiation on the skin can be sufficient for the body to produce enough vitamin D. However, the pharmaceutical industry also offers products for the artificial intake of vitamin D. However, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment warns that there are certain risk groups for use.

Too many vitamin D supplements: diarrhea, nausea and cramps

An example of how vitamin D preparations are used incorrectly is now provided by a case Great Britain. After a visit to a private nutritionist, the sufferer took more than 20 over-the-counter dietary supplements for vitamin D deficiency every day. According to a report by the US broadcaster, the products were among the products CNN also preparations that sometimes exceed the recommended daily dose by a hundred times.

Within a month, the man from Great Britain suffered from symptoms such as diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal pain and cramps in his legs and arms. He then stopped taking the preparations, but his condition remained critical. When he was admitted to a clinic in East Kent two months later, he had reportedly lost more than 15 pounds of his original body weight, the report said. In addition, there were severe kidney problems.

Too much vitamin D: “He is very keen for his story to be known to warn others.”

After several weeks of treatment in the hospital, his levels finally leveled off again. One of the attending physicians, Dr. Alamin Alkundi later explained to the magazine BMJ Case Reports: “He is very interested in his story being known to warn others.”

Since the beginning of Corona-Pandemic, for example, the connection between an infection with Sars-CoV-2 and the lack of vitamin D is being examined in more detail – with astonishing results. (do)

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