Top 10 Benefits of Walking: Explore the Advantages with Coach J’Aime Dijon Val-MotionWay

2023-06-08 12:48:20

Our coach J’Aime Dijon Val-MotionWay returns this week to the benefits of walking. Come on, let’s get the sneakers out!

It’s a certainty: practicing regular physical activity is good for both physical and mental health. But sometimes it’s hard to find the time to exercise. Daily walking then turns out to be a very good alternative for staying healthy. We take stock…

Top 10

???? Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Walking increases blood flow in the body and improves heart capacity.

???? Augmentation du NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)

The NEAT includes all daily activities that invite you to move without being considered as sport, and producing energy expenditure (walking, cleaning, climbing stairs, etc.)

???? Reduced anxiety

Walking lowers cortisol levels, which has the effect of reducing stress, anxiety and lowering mental ruminations.

???? Improved joint health

Walking increases synovial fluid production contributing to joint health. It also helps nourish the cartilage (blood circulation) and improve the elasticity of tendons and ligaments.

???? Boost the immune system

Through better blood circulation, walking leads to an increase in immune cells, reduces the development of certain chronic diseases and contributes to blood sugar control.

???? Develops attention and concentration

Walking stimulates the brain, and more specifically the hippocampus, which is a part of the brain responsible, among other things, for memory and attention.

???? Circulates the lymph

A better circulation of the lymph makes it possible to improve the purification of the waste of the organization and the Defense against the infectious agents.

???? Promotes muscle relaxation

Walking allows you to release certain tensions that may have built up over the years due to daily psychological stress, or mechanical stress during physical exertion.

???? Releases endorphins

This hormone causes a feeling of relaxation and well-being, and results in an improvement in mood, and an antidepressant effect.

???? Promotes brain oxygenation

Oxygenation of the brain results in better mental clarity, and improved learning and memory capacity.

See you next week for a new column. In the meantime, if you want more information, you can contact Valentin on his social networks (Instagram: @val_motionway) or on his website (follow our link).

Also find our report on Valentin (read our article, follow our link).

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