Top 10 “RMF Funds” with the highest return in 1 year

It’s already the middle of the year Who hasn’t prepared for the tax break period, may not have it or have some but not yet. which one helper intax deductionThe most popular are those funds in the group.Retirement Mutual Fund (RMF) that there are many to choose from in the investment market

But before going to chooseRMF Fund We waited to check first. How are the returns on the funds?

For, let’s see that in the past 1 year “RMF Fund Which Equity” is outstanding, has the highest return, the top 10 according to the data from “Morning Star Research (Thailand) as of May 2022 are as follows:

1.Talis Open-end Fund DIVIDEND STOCK RMF (TLDIVRMF) Yield 22.57%

2. Talis Equity Retirement Mutual Fund (TLEQRMF) 15.43% return

3. SCB Global Infrastructure Fund Retirement Mutual (SCBRMGIF) 13.81% return

4. Phatra Open-end Fund Retirement Mutual Equity (KKP EQRMF) 10.51% Return

5. K Mid Small Cap Equity Retirement Mutual Fund (KMSRMF) Return 9.80%

6. Krungsri Dynamic Equity RMF (KFDNMRMF) 9.63% return

7. TISCO High Divide Retirement Mutual Fund (THDRMF) 9.18% return

8. Krung Thai Open-end Fund Hydividend stock Retirement Mutual (KT-HiDiV RMF) Return 8.27%

9. Bualuang Siriphon Corporate Governance Retirement Mutual Fund (BSIRIRMF) Return 7.37%

10.K Open-end Fund Equity Retirement Equity (KEQRMF) Return 6.91%

for RMF Fund don’t have to wait for the end of the year can increase the chances of making a profit suitable investment tax deductionget full as well

But before making a choice would like to consider the conditions and survey the money for the whole year before to calculate the right to invest each type of discount especially the holding period

Kasikorn Asset Management Co., Ltd. suggest that RMF Fund Must invest continuously every year or every other year and hold investment units until the age of 55 years and have held for at least 5 years

When considering investing, don’t forget to consider the risks.

low risk taker Should choose a fund that focuses on investing in deposits. government bonds debt instruments

Moderate risk takers It is recommended to choose a Balance Fund that the fund has a policy to diversify its investments in different asset classes.

Those who take high risks and expect high returns choose to invest in stocks Currently, they can invest in foreign companies that are gaining interest, such as ESG groups, environmental groups or technology companies.

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