Top 7 Winter Foods to Keep You Warm and Healthy Without Gaining Weight

2024-01-10 17:00:00

Iman Hakim Wednesday, January 10, 2024 07:00 PM

With weather changes and temperature drops, a large number of us are looking for the most prominent and best dishes that are easily available in our kitchen for heating, making sure that they are from the categories of foods that are low in calories and rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, so in the following lines we will review the best. feed him It helps us keep warm during the winter while maintaining weight, according to Healthline.

Foods rich in vitamins that help us keep warm without gaining weight:

Leafy vegetables:

In winter, leafy vegetables are considered one of the best foods that strengthen the body and provide it with energy that helps us keep warm, such as spinach, kale, and lettuce, in addition to being great sources of vitamins.

Root vegetables:

Root vegetables such as beets and carrots are available in abundance during the winter months, so it is preferable to eat them, as they are rich and full of essential nutrients, and vitamins such as C and A, which give your immune system the support it needs to protect you from colds and flu.

Carrots and beets

citrus fruits:

Citrus fruits are one of the best sources that help protect the immune system. They also boost vitamin C and include citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, strawberries, mangos, and kiwis.

Mango and kiwi

Foods rich in vitamin D:

Foods rich in vitamin D are essential during the winter months. Salmon is a great source of vitamin D, as are egg yolks, fortified cereals, milk and meat.

Whole grains:

Whole grains, such as oatmeal, bulgur, and oats, are meals that help keep you warm and full without gaining weight. They also contain a high percentage of zinc.

Greek yogurt:

Greek yogurt, compared to other yogurts, contains a higher percentage of protein and is a great source of vitamin B12, calcium and probiotics, which maintains weight balance, a feeling of satiety and warmth.


Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, cashews and pistachios are high in antioxidants and minerals. Make sure to buy raw, unsalted or low-salt nuts instead of candied nuts, to maintain weight.

#Foods #warm #gaining #weight #winter

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